Nightletter from Kandahar


(Arabic Koranic verse): Jihad is a right in Allah’s Path - Jihad yesterday, Jihad until the Day of Judgment.

Jamiat-e Jaish alMuslemin


Date: Date: 24/Moharram/1424 [23 April 2003]

1. This letter aims to address those who are Muslim but work with the current American puppet government, either for money or, assuming they serve Islam, to abandon their jobs immediately,

2. Muslims do not use government vehicles,

3. Whenever a governmental vehicle is exploded or damaged by any means, Muslims do not go there in order to have a look at the site,

4. Where there is a feast, Muslims should not go there with government officials, because danger may threaten them,

5. Respected Muslim does not go to [illegible] because whoever goes there commit double sins: one they commit [illegible] and second they rescue government officials,

6. Ulema and influential leaders of the community should not go to the governmental shura (council),

7. Those women who are teachers and adult girls who are students should not go to schools,

8. Muslim cars should not use the roads used by government officials’ cars,

9. All Muslims should desist from transporting American equipment and oil in their cars,

10. Muslims should avoid going to places where foreigners stay, such as hotels, etc.

11. Muslims should not work in organizations [NGOs] because Americans use those NGOs for their own purpose,

12. Muslims’ sons who are working with the current infidel’s government should get out of it immediately. Those, whoever, who act in opposition to the above-mentioned rule bear the mortal and eternal responsibilities.


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