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June 1, 1991

Despite the political changes that have occurred in Bulgaria since Todor Zhivkov's resignation in November 1989, Gypsies continue to be the targets of discrimination, as they have been throughout the country's history. The disparate treatment they receive is reflected in housing, education and the work place.
May 1, 1991

Since the partition of India in 1947, Kashmir, with a predominantly Muslim population, has been the site of militant unrest and a cause for war with Pakistan.
April 30, 1991

Killings, Detentions, Forcible Conscription and Obstruction of Relief

Ethiopia is in the midst of a massive political upheaval. Government forces have been defeated in recent rebel offensives, endangering the survival of the government of President Mengistu Haile Mariam.
April 14, 1991
The violent events of February 17, 1991, and their aftermath suggest that egregious violations continue to be committed with impunity by agents of the Guatemalan state and that human rights activists, who risk their lives to protect others, continue to be severely persecuted.
April 10, 1991

On April 8, 1991, Arswendo Atmowiloto, a young newspaper editor in Jakarta was sentenced to five years in prison. His arrest, trial and conviction on charges of insulting a religion raise questions about the relationship between freedom of expression, religious sensitivity, and political manipulation in an overwhelmingly Muslim society.
April 7, 1991

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied

The ouster of General Manuel Noriega in December 1989 and the installation of the democratically-elected coalition government of President Guillermo Endara brought high hopes in Panama that a long period of disrespect for law and the civil rights of the Panamanian people had come to an end.