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A woman picks cotton during the 2015 cotton harvest, which runs from early September to late October or early November annually. © 2015 Simon Buxton/Anti-Slavery International
(ブリュッセル) - 世界銀行は、強制労働および児童労働に関与するウズベキスタンの農業事業に5億米ドルを融資していると、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチおよびウズベク・ドイツ人権フォーラムが、本日発表の報告書内で述べた。世銀との融資契約の下で、ウズベキスタン政府は強制労働および児童労働を禁ずる法を遵守することとされており、世銀は違反に関する信頼性の高い証拠があれば融資を停止することができる。


ウズベク・ジャーマン人権フォーラム代表のウミダ・ニヤゾバヴァ氏は、「世界銀行は、ウズベキスタンの綿花産業における人権侵害を伴う労働制度の隠ぺいに手を貸している」と述べる。 「世界銀行は、これらの問題が解決されるまで資金を停止して、児童労働と強制労働に依存する制度は受け入れないと、ウズベキスタン政府および潜在的出資者に対して明確にしなければならない。」



Banks State & Private companiesprovide workers and money for cotton work UniversitiesHigher Education Institutionsprovide teachers, staf, and students for cotton work Mahalla Committeesrecruit and mobilize residents, including people receiving benefts CollegesLyceumsprovide teachers, staf, third year, and sometimes frst and second year students for cotton work Primary SchoolsSecondary Schoolsprovide teachers, staf, and sometimes children for cotton work HospitalsClinicsprovide healthcare workers for cotton work Ministry of Higher & Secondary Specialized Educationmobilizes students and education workers Ministry of Public Educationmobilizes education workers Ministry of Healthmobilizes healthcare workers District & City Hokimsdistribute and enforce quotas, supervise harvest and labor mobilization, allocate workers Regional Hokimsimpose and enforce quotes on farmers and institutions, mobilize labor Ministry of JusticeMinistry of InteriorNational Security Serviceassist ofcials to supervise cotton work, enforce quotas, and mobilize workers Ministry of Labor & Social ProtectionILO social partner runs feedback mechanism Ministry of Agriculture & Water Resourcesoversees production, agricultural services, and water supply; sets production quotas for regions State Tax Committeecollects taxes and payments Ministry of Financesets prices, supplies credit, collects revenue Prime Ministerdirectly oversees cotton sector, meets with regional and local ofcials Presidentsets overall cotton policy Cabinet of Ministersimplements cotton policy The Uzbek Government’s Forced Labor System Decree from President on organizational measures ensuring the timely and quality harvesting of raw cotton in 2014: Letter from regional prosecutor confrming the decision to mobilize employees in the cotton harvest was issued by the Uzbek Cabinet of Ministers in July 2016: Order from company branch to send employees for cotton work: Nurses failing to fulfl daily cotton quotas are threatened with dismissal: Ledger from an education department reporting on teach-ers sent to the harvest: A pupil’s school diary saying “cotton - Day of”: Contract by school requiring students to take part in cotton harvesting or else face expulsion: Notice to organizations, enter-prises, and business entities of a district to participate in the cotton harvest: Transcript of police ofcer ordering shopkeeper to go to cotton felds: Click to see documentation



ウズベキスタンは世界第5位の綿花生産国だ。原綿の約60%を中国、バングラデシュ、トルコ、イランに輸出している。ウズベキスタンの綿産業は、綿花繊維100万トンから、国内総生産(GDP)の約4分の1、年間収入にして10億米ドル超を生み出す。 この収入は財務省内の不透明な特別予算に計上され、公開精査されることなく、政府高官により管理されている。




The World Bank should stop funding projects that are linked to forced and child labor.



ウズベク・ドイツ人権フォーラムなどの独立系団体は、2015年秋の収穫時期およびその後に、強制労働および児童労働の証拠を世銀に提出。また、これら人権侵害を告発しようとした人権活動家に対する攻撃についても同様に報告している。 世銀は2014年の合意に沿ってウズベキスタン政府への融資を停止せず、むしろ民間セクターへの融資機関である国際金融公社(IFC)を通じ、ウズベキスタンの農産業への融資を拡大。2015年12月にIFCは、繊維工場を拡大するために、ウズベキスタンの有力綿糸製造業者に4,000万米ドルを融資した。






13-year-old boy picking cotton in a World Bank project area, Ellikkala, Karakalpakstan, under orders from his school during the 2016 harvest. In Ellikkala, officials from at least two schools ordered 13 and 14-year-old children to pick cotton after school.   © 2016 UGF

“Cotton! You have to go and pick cotton and fulfill the norm. Is it clear!?.... This policy applies to everyone! If even one person does not go out, it will be bad for you! I’ll shut down your organizations! Everyone, without exception, whether from the hokimiat [local government], tax authorities, the bank or other organizations, all will be shut down.… [To one of the meeting attendees:] What’s this? You delivered only 1,286 kilograms? Why is that? I’ll tear your head off!”

-Hokim [district mayor], Uktam Kurbanov, cotton meeting in Khazarasp, Khorezm region, September 29, 2015.

“I work at a school. If it was up to the teachers, no one would want to work in the cotton fields. Nurses are also women [who have significant family responsibilities]. They don’t go reluctantly either, they are forced… Three or four of the 50 teachers at my school go voluntarily. Others don’t want to go. Those three or four are tired from teaching and would rather pick cotton than teach in school. If they are good pickers, able to pick more than 100kg per day, they get extra ‘presents’ from the government. But teachers like me can’t meet the quotas and can’t earn money from picking cotton. Maybe the ILO conclusion [that only a minority of cotton pickers are involuntarily working] is true from appearance, because people are scared to share the truth, but it doesn’t go underneath to expose reality.”

-Schoolteacher, 2017

“Maybe 10 children might agree to work during the harvest, but the others refuse and we have to run after them.”

-School employee, 2017

“Of course I wouldn’t go [to pick cotton] if I had the choice. None of my colleagues would either. It’s forced, everyone is forced…. We would intimidate parents if they refused to have their children contribute to the harvest. We would threaten that they would not get their diploma…. In 2016, there were some pregnant women who were college teachers. Those that had powerful connections were not forced and were not required to contribute money. Otherwise, they were still forced to work.”

-College teacher, 2017

“The government pays your salary so you will pick or you could be asked to give up your post. Now, there is no work… so you can’t refuse [to pick cotton], you are obligated…. What kind of fool would go to work in the dirt in the cotton fields on a cold day of his own accord instead of sitting inside in a nice warm office? To understand that [picking cotton] is mandatory, you don’t have to be a genius and solve puzzles…

-Former Andijan mahalla council [neighborhood governing body] official, November 20, 2015

“Respected master’s students! You must resolve your participation in the cotton harvest within one hour. Today we are compiling information and you are at risk of expulsion. Immediately resolve this issue.”

-Text message from university administration to students, October 6, 2016.

“Two months weeding, and then another three months harvesting cotton: because of this, pupils do not receive their full education. Teachers have to conduct lessons in two or three classes simultaneously. For example, the teacher gives some written assignment to one class, and goes to another. Left alone, pupils start making noise. They’re still kids, they cannot learn on their own.

-Schoolteacher, Beruni district, Karakalpakstan region, September 29, 2016.

“I know that you cannot force people to work. But I won’t call the complaint line number we were given. There is no use. These posters are put up for the benefit of the ILO. All these calls [to the hotlines] will result in simple teachers and medical workers losing their jobs.”

-A school director who said she would be punished by the local government if she could not get her staff to pick cotton, Fergana region, September 29, 2016.

“[The education ministry] called the district department of education and asked them to resolve my issue ‘peacefully’…. After that, the school director went after me. He started threatening me and said he would show me ‘just what he’s capable of.’”

-A schoolteacher who had asked the education ministrythat teachers be freed from mandatory cotton picking, Gulistan, Syrdarya region, September 29, 2016.

“Go to the homes of farmers in debt, who can’t repay their credit, take their cars, livestock, and if there are none, take the slate from their roofs!”

-Then-Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev on a conference call with local authorities and farmers, October 12, 2015, as reported by a farmer who was on the call to Radio Ozodlik
