The Olympics represent unity in diversity and passing on a positive legacy for the future. Japan’s lack of protection for LGBT people fails to meet the requirements of the Olympic Charter, Olympic Agenda 2020 or human rights standards.
We call on Japan’s government to introduce and enact legislation to protect LGBT people from discrimination before the Olympics.
It’s time for an Equality Act – and the countdown starts now.
Take Action
The Olympics are a once-in-a-generation moment to achieve equality.
Time is running out. Tell Prime Minister Suga to act now.

Our Vision
Q&A: Why the Equality Act Matters
Together, we are working toward a future in which LGBT people in Japan are not treated as second-class citizens: where LGBT people can thrive and live free of stigma, violence and discrimination, and receive equal rights under law.
Human Rights Watch Japan is proud to be partnering with Japanese local NGOs on the #EqualityActJapan campaign, including the J-ALL (LGBT法連合会, Japan Alliance for LGBT Legislation) that has been a champion of the movement. Set up in 2015, J-ALL has been working for the introduction of a national LGBT equality law with its more than 80 member NGOs across Japan. For the past five years, J-ALL, closely working with international NGOs such as Human Rights Watch, has been engaging with the Japanese policy makers including the members of parliament, media, business, and the general public, to advocate for the need of LGBT equality law.
Human Rights Watch is also proud to partner with Athlete Ally and All Out on this campaign. Since 2011, Athlete Ally has been on a mission to end homophobia and transphobia in sport and activate the athletic community to exercise their leadership to champion LGBTQ equality. Through education, policy change and advocacy, Athlete Ally is building a world where everyone has equal access, opportunity and experience in sports — regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. All Out is a global movement working to build a world where no person will have to sacrifice their family or freedom, safety or dignity, because of who they are or who they love.
Major companies have endorsed our campaign and signed on to the LGBT Corporate Support Letter for #EqualityActJapan, including Coca-Cola, Deloitte, EY, Intel, Microsoft, Salesforce, PepsiCo and SegaSammy.