The Daily Brief

Oct 25, 2022 The Daily Brief

Appalling Attack by Myanmar Junta; Anniversary of Sudan’s Coup; Appealing a Bogus Conviction in Chechnya; Take Note; A New New Leader in UK; Letter from Athens: A Success in Greece.

Oct 24, 2022 The Daily Brief

Refugees Rounded Up and Sent to Syria; Moscow’s Media Demands Drowning of Kids; UN Chief Chides India’s Leaders; Take Note; Weekend Protests; Daily Brief in the News.

Migrants and refugees held in a basketball court for hours while waiting for a cell
Oct 20, 2022 The Daily Brief

Still No Remedy Fund for Qatar’s Migrant Workers, 30 Days Before Football World Cup; Women Protesters Detail Taliban Abuse In Afghanistan; All Children Have a Right to Pre-Primary Education; Take Note; Prizes & Outrageous News from India; Quote Of The Day.

Parents of a deceased migrant worker in Nepal.
Oct 19, 2022 The Daily Brief

Russian Forces Torture Izium Detainees; Act Now to Protect Civilians in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region; Cholera Outbreak Hits Haiti; Take Note; Twitter Space on Death Sentences and Sham Trials in Bahrain; Quote Of The Day.

“Boghdan” said soldiers forced him into the “parrot position” at least once. He said that in one instance the metal pipe was unable to carry his weight; when soldiers lifted him up, the pipe bent and broke.
Oct 18, 2022 The Daily Brief

UN Must Discuss Action Against Regime in Iran ; How to Protect Brazil's Forest Defenders ; #PayUpFIFA Campaign News Update ; Take Note ; Twitter Space on Turkey & EU plastic recycling ; Quote Of The Day .

Oct 13, 2022 The Daily Brief

Bravery vs Thuggery in Iran; US Stops Funding Some Militaries That Use Child Soldiers; World Condemns Russia’s Sham Annexations; Take Note; Listen: Upcoming Report on Ukraine; What Are You Reading?

Oct 12, 2022 The Daily Brief

Wage Theft in Qatar; A Bit of Good News on Afghanistan; How NOT to Respond to Human Rights Abuses; Take Note; Quote of the Day: Ukraine.

Former short-term visa holders who had signed 2-year employment contracts but were sent back to Nepal within months. They had paid upward of US$1,138 as recruitment fees.