©Human Rights Watch 1999

Fejzie Abdulmexhidi (left) and Hajrie Abdulmexhidi, whose husbands were killed on May 26 by Serb police. Fejzie explained to Human Rights Watch what happened when the police arrived that day:

  They called the women from inside the house and demanded money from us. They said they'd kill our husbands. They put a Kalashnikov to my husband's head . . . . They ordered us to leave and they kept the men. Six men were left here: our husbands, Sami and Rafet, my two sons, Shefik, age 21, and Behar, age 17, and two of Sami's cousins, Mirsat Osmani, age 24, and Hyrmet Sulejmani, age 34. When we left, we saw the men being beaten. They kicked the men in the stomach and back, and hit them with the butt of their guns.

Fejzie's daughter Jahona continued:

  [Then] the police made us leave. At that moment, the men were facing the wall with their hands up. When we got to the road, we heard shooting, the sound of Kalashnikovs.

Fejzie returned to the house the next day, finding blood everywhere but no sign of her husband and sons. Two days later she found their bodies in the morgue.


Focus on Human Rights