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Last updated Monday April 1, 2002

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Russian Federation / Chechnya: Renewed Catastrophe  (March 26, 2002)

Afghanistan: Human Rights Watch Key Documents  (March 19, 2002)

Crisis in Colombia (February 26, 2002)

September 11 Attacks: Crimes Against Humanity

The Aftermath
 (March 25, 2002)

Milosevic: Historic Trial Commences  (March 25, 2002)
Nigeria: Military Massacres Unpunished
(New York, April 3, 2002) -- The Nigerian government has so far failed to conduct any investigation or prosecution into the massacre of more than two hundred unarmed civilians by the Nigerian army in Benue State in October 2001, Human Rights Watch charged in a report published today.
Congo: U.N. Monitors Needed(New York, March 28, 2002) Human Rights Watch called on the U.N. Human Rights Commission meeting today in Geneva to increase the number of monitors reporting on the ongoing war in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Burma: Professor Receives Harsh Sentence
(Geneva, March 27, 2002) - The harsh prison sentence given to a prominent Burmese academic this week underlines the urgent need for the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in Geneva to increase pressure on Burma to unconditionally release all political prisoners, Human Rights Watch said today.
Nigeria: Court Should Reject Death Penalty
(New York, March 26, 2002) -- Human Rights Watch today expressed disappointment at the failure of an appeals court in Sokoto, northern Nigeria to reject the death penalty and the cruelty inherent in a punishment such as death by stoning.
Chechnya: U.N. Rights Commission Must Act
(Geneva, March 26, 2002) The United Nations Commission on Human Rights should adopt a resolution condemning abuses in Chechnya and calling on Russia to investigate them, Human Rights Watch urged in a briefing paper released today.
New Killings and "Disappearances" in Chechnya
(New York, March 23, 2002) Russian forces on sweep operations in Chechnya continue to commit serious violations, Human Rights Watch said today. Fourteen witnesses have told Human Rights Watch researchers in the field about torture and ill-treatment, forced disappearances, and the discovery of the corpses and burned remains of nine people that took place during the March 6-11 sweep operation in Staryi Atagi, 25 miles south of Grozny.
Iran: Attempt to Silence Lawyer in Assassinations Case
(New York, March 22, 2002) Human Rights Watch today condemned the harsh sentencing of prominent Iranian lawyer Nasser Zarafshan after an unfair trial. Zarafshan was sentenced on March 19 to five years of imprisonment and seventy lashes on charges of "disseminating confidential information."
Kyrgyzstan: Police Kill Protestors in the South
In a letter sent today, Human Rights Watch urged Kyrgyzstan President Askar Akaev to promptly establish an independent team to investigate police killings of at least five protesters on March 17. Human Rights Watch called on President Akaev to ensure that police not use unnecessary lethal force.
U.S.: Commission Rules Meet Some, Not All, Rights Concerns
(New York, March 21, 2002) The Defense Department's new rules for military commissions include important due process protections, Human Rights Watch said today. The rules nevertheless fail to meet the core human rights requirement of appellate review by an independent and impartial court, or to meet the requirements of the Geneva Conventions.
Peru: Human Rights After Fujimori
(Washington, March 20, 2002) The Peruvian government has failed to reform the country's draconian and much-criticized anti-terrorism legislation, Human Rights Watch said in a backgrounder released just prior to U.S. President George W. Bush's visit to Peru.
Sierra Leone: Establish Special Court Quickly
(New York, March 20, 2002) Human Rights Watch welcomed the release of the UN Planning Mission report and this week's Security Council discussion on the Special Court for Sierra Leone, and urged immediate steps be taken to establish the court.
D.R. Congo: Activist Beaten “To a Pulp”
(New York, March 20, 2002) Human Rights Watch today condemned arrests and beatings of human rights activists and journalists by the Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD) in eastern Congo. Human Rights Watch also criticized the RCD and its ally, Rwanda, for arbitrarily detaining Congolese in a container near Goma.
Congo: Ituri Civilians Need U.N. Protection
(New York, March 19, 2002) The U.N. Organization Mission in Congo (MONUC) should immediately send more military and civilian observers to the strife-torn Ituri province in northeastern Congo, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
U.N.: Robinson's Departure a "Disappointment"
(Geneva, March 18, 2002) Human Rights Watch today expressed disappointment that Mary Robinson would not continue as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and pointed a finger at the United States for opposing her renomination for a full second term.
Saudi Arabia: Religious Police Role in School Fire Criticized
(New York, March 15, 2002) -- Saudi authorities should conduct an independent, thorough, and transparent investigation of the March 11 fire at a girls' public intermediate school in Mecca that claimed the lives of at least fourteen students, Human Rights Watch said today.
OAS Urges U.S. to Reverse Detainees Decision
(Washington, March 15, 2002) -- The United States should comply with a request by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights that a competent tribunal be convened to resolve the legal status of Guantanamo detainees, Human Rights Watch said today.
Poor Work From Indonesian Rights Commission on Aceh
(New York, March 15, 2002) - In a new report issued today, Human Rights Watch criticized the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas-HAM) for failing to actively pursue an investigation into one of the worst massacres in post-Soeharto Indonesia.
U.N. Urged to Act on Chechnya
(Geneva, March 14, 2002) -- The Russian government has once again refused to comply with the requirements of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, which must firmly act to end the ongoing atrocities in Chechnya, Human Rights Watch said today.
Iran: "Trial" a Mockery of the Law
(New York, March 13, 2002) The Iranian authorities have begun closed and unannounced proceedings against a seventy-three-year-old Iranian journalist who is being denied his basic right to a fair trial, Human Rights Watch said today.
Prevent Further Communal Violence in India
(New York, March 13, 2002) - Human Rights Watch today called on the government of India to take all necessary and appropriate measures to prevent communal violence that may arise from a March 15 ceremony at a contested religious site in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh.
New York Mayor to Meet Repressive Uzbek Leader
(New York, March 12, 2002) When New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg meets Uzbek President Islam Karimov Thursday, human rights should top the agenda, Human Rights Watch said today. President Karimov will meet with President Bush on Tuesday.
Israel: Cease Attacking Medical Personnel
(New York, March 9, 2002) -- Human Rights Watch today called on the Israeli government to instruct soldiers to immediately refrain from attacking medical personnel in the West Bank and Gaza.
Dinka Woman's Death Sentence Overturned
Human Rights Watch considers that flogging is a cruel and inhuman punishment that violates Sudan's international law obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention Against Torture. It further considers that Abok Alfau Akok's rights to fair trial and to appeal the criminal court's decision have been violated by the Nyala criminal court's sentence and flogging on February 12, 2002.
Greece: Correction Regarding Anti-Trafficking Bill
(New York, March 8, 2002) On March 6, Human Rights Watch released a commentary on Greece's draft anti-trafficking legislation. In error, the Human Rights Watch release reported that the legislation was under consideration by the Greek Parliament.
Repressive Uzbek Leader to Visit White House
(New York, March 8, 2002) U.S. President George W. Bush should secure specific human rights improvements in Uzbekistan during his summit with Uzbek President Islam Karimov, Human Rights Watch said today. The two leaders meet at the White House on March 12.
Zimbabwe: Abuses Plague Land Reform
(New York, March 8, 2002) The “fast track” land reform program in Zimbabwe has been accompanied by significant human rights abuses that harm the very people it was designed to assist, Human Rights Watch charged in a report released on the eve of Zimbabwe’s elections.
Israel: Opportunistic Law Condemned
(New York, March 7, 2002) -- Human Rights Watch today criticized the Israeli parliament for passing an "illegal combatants" law.
Spain: Dialogue Sought on Migrants' Rights
(New York, March 7, 2002) -- The Spanish government should engage in "constructive dialogue" about improving the treatment of migrants in the Canary Islands, Human Rights Watch urged today.
Afghanistan: Stop Abuse in Northern Afghanistan
(New York, March 7, 2002) -- Human Rights Watch today released recent testimonies documenting abuses against ethnic Pashtuns in northern Afghanistan, and warned that the deployment of an expanded international security force was needed to end a campaign of violence and intimidation there.
Execution of U.S. POW Condemned
(New York, March 6, 2002) -- Human Rights Watch today condemned the apparent execution of a captured American service member by Al Qaida fighters in Afghanistan.
Uzbek Authorities Legalize Rights Group
(New York, March 6, 2002) -- The legalization of Uzbekistan's first independent rights monitor is a positive development, but much more progress is needed, Human Rights Watch said today.
Greece: Draft Trafficking Law Fails Victims
(New York, March 6, 2002) Members of the Greek parliament should strengthen a draft law on human trafficking to protect victims and punish corrupt public officials complicit in the trade, Human Rights Watch urged today.
United Nations: Protect the Displaced in Angola
(New York, March 5, 2002) The United Nations and the government of Angola are failing to protect the rights of millions of people displaced by the country’s civil war, Human Rights Watch charged today.
U.S. State Department Rights Reports Critique
(Washington, March 4, 2002) -- This year's State Department Human Rights Reports are largely candid and accurate, Human Rights Watch said today, while urging the Bush Administration to apply the reports' findings to coming policy decisions.
U.N.: Sanctions Rules Must Protect Due Process
(New York, March 4, 2002) Oppressive regimes could use new United Nations sanctions rules to punish political opponents without due process, Human Rights Watch warned today.
Anti-Pashtun Violence Widespread In Afghanistan
(Kabul, March 3, 2002) -- Armed political factions in northern Afghanistan are subjecting ethnic Pashtuns to murder, beatings, sexual violence, abductions, looting, and extortion, Human Rights Watch said today. The ongoing campaign of violence and intimidation is forcing thousands of Pashtuns to leave their villages.

Thai Press Freedom Threatened
(New York, March 2, 2002) — Thailand's government should withdraw the threat to deport two journalists with the Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER), Human Rights Watch said today, reminding Thailand of its obligations as a party to international human rights treaties guaranteeing the right of free expression.
Sudan: Investigate Helicopter Killings
(New York, March 1, 2002) Human Rights Watch today called for an independent investigation into recent helicopter killings of civilians in southern Sudan.
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