June 10, 2008 Commentary

A new report reveals that a number of prisoners – even some long ago cleared to leave – are spiraling into hallucinations, despair and suicide.

May 29, 2008 Commentary

After years spent here, one prisoner pins his hope on a single phone call from the outside world – if it ever comes.

May 24, 2008 Commentary

A bruised-up detainee rejects the proceedings, and his lawyer discovers that military officials withheld records about his client's mental health.

May 2, 2008 Commentary

Even an Air Force colonel who once prosecuted detainees here is condemning military commissions at the prison as politicized and unjust.

April 9, 2008 Commentary

A harrowing account from a man the CIA handed over to Jordan – smuggled from prison on tiny paper – exposes U.S. complicity in torture.