
Gaps in Support Systems for People with Disabilities in Uruguay

The 50-page report, “I, Too, Wish to Enjoy the Summer”: Gaps in Support Systems for People with Disabilities in Uruguay, documents Uruguay’s shortcomings in meeting the support requirements under its National Integrated Care System for everyone with a disability. Many are ineligible for the care system’s Personal Assistants Program due to their age, income, or how “severe” their disability is. People with certain types of disabilities, like intellectual and sensory disabilities, and those with high-support requirements, are effectively excluded from the program because personal assistants are not trained to support them. Human Rights Watch found that Uruguay has not sufficiently involved organizations of people with disabilities in the design, administration, and monitoring of personal assistance under the care system, resulting in its failure to recognize users as rights-holders and its delivery of inadequate, limited services.

Disability rights activists sit around a table for a meeting


  • March 1, 1995

    As the multinational force prepared to turn over operations to the U.N. Mission in Haiti (UNMIH) on March 31, 1995, political tensions increased and far from having brought stability, the U.S.-led force pointed only to a fragile security that impending parliamentary and presidential elections may rupture.
  • March 1, 1995

    State Discrimination Against Women in Russia

    Economic and political changes in Russia have left many Russians staggering under the burdens of rising unemployment, high rates of inflation, disappearing social services and the encroaching threats of corruption and organized crime.
  • February 1, 1995

    There has been a marked deterioration in relations between Albania and Greece since 1993. At the center of the dispute is the treatment of the Greek minority living in Albania and this report documents their situation.
  • February 1, 1995

    Forced Resettlement, Suppression of Dissent and Labor Rights Concerns

    In April 1992, China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) formally approved the “Resolution on the Construction of the Yangtze River Three Gorges Project,” marking the conclusion of decades of controversy within the Chinese leadership in favor of supporters of the world’s biggest-ever river dam project.
  • February 1, 1995

    A Filthy System

    This is the first report by a human-rights organization about Egyptian prisons based on on-site inspections. Beginning on February 12, 1992, Middle East Watch inspected six prisons in an eight-day period. These facilities housed approximately 9,800 inmates, over twenty-seven percent of Egypt's prison population.
  • February 1, 1995

    Abuses in East Timor, involving possible extrajudicial executions, torture, disappearances, unlawful arrests and detentions and denials of freedom of association, assembly and expression, continue unabated. The perpetrators are the police and army, as well as a group operating in civilian dress, locally known as “ninjas,” who operate as masked gangs reportedly organized by the military.
  • February 1, 1995

    This report is the third in a series on the conflict in Chechnya. As the war in the breakaway republic enters its third month, Russian forces continue to commit gross abuses against the civilian population.
  • January 1, 1995

    The first in a series of reports that document violations of humanitarian law by all sides in the war in Chechnya, it describes how Russian forces have shown utter contempt for civilian lives in the breakaway republic of Chechnya.
  • January 1, 1995

    This report is an urgent update on violations in a criminal trial of 19 men charged with crimes carrying the penalty of death, and was issued as the trial drew to a close after 16 months in court. In a detailed report released in August 1994 (see D611), we compiled the evidence that some, and likely all, of the defendants in case no.
  • January 1, 1995

    Government “Re-entry Blacklist” Revealed

    The existence of confidential Chinese government blacklists barring overseas-based pro-democracy and human rights activists from returning to China has long been suspected by the exiled Chinese dissident community and other concerned observers. Until now, however, no conclusive documentary evidence confirming the operation of such a policy has ever come to light.
  • December 1, 1994

    Now the longest-running conflict in the former Soviet Union, the battle for Nagorno-Karabakh has rapidly expanded and intensified since it began in 1988, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 25,000 soldiers and civilians and the displacement of one million others.
  • December 1, 1994

    Pressure from the international community has resulted in some signs of movement by the SLORC, the ruling military government of Burma, toward adhering to successive U.N. resolutions and improving its international image. But the fundamental issue of widespread human rights abuses has not changed.
  • December 1, 1994

    We issued this report upon learning of a tense debate within the U.S. State and Defense Departments over whether to allow the export to Turkey of the most advanced and deadly cluster bomb in the U.S. arsenal, the CBU-87. Those who oppose the sale based on Turkey’s appalling human rights record are squared off against those who fear damage to the “strategic relationship” if the sale is denied. The CBU-87’s “combined effect” is its ability to be used both as an antitank and antipersonnel weapon. The CBU-87 could be used in Turkey’s counterinsurgency war with Kurdish rebels, with dire consequences for the civilian population, as the Turkish government has a well-documented record of contempt for civilian life during military operations.