
Gaps in Support Systems for People with Disabilities in Uruguay

The 50-page report, “I, Too, Wish to Enjoy the Summer”: Gaps in Support Systems for People with Disabilities in Uruguay, documents Uruguay’s shortcomings in meeting the support requirements under its National Integrated Care System for everyone with a disability. Many are ineligible for the care system’s Personal Assistants Program due to their age, income, or how “severe” their disability is. People with certain types of disabilities, like intellectual and sensory disabilities, and those with high-support requirements, are effectively excluded from the program because personal assistants are not trained to support them. Human Rights Watch found that Uruguay has not sufficiently involved organizations of people with disabilities in the design, administration, and monitoring of personal assistance under the care system, resulting in its failure to recognize users as rights-holders and its delivery of inadequate, limited services.

Disability rights activists sit around a table for a meeting


  • December 1, 1994

    Now the longest-running conflict in the former Soviet Union, the battle for Nagorno-Karabakh has rapidly expanded and intensified since it began in 1988, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 25,000 soldiers and civilians and the displacement of one million others.
  • November 1, 1994

    Angola’s “forgotten war,” fueled by a steady supply of weapons to both sides, has claimed an estimated 100,000 civilian lives since the conflict resumed following the September 1992 elections. The government and the UNITA rebels are responsible for an appalling range of violations of the laws of war.
  • November 1, 1994

    Children and Violence in Colombia

    To be a poor child, a runaway, a child prostitute, or a child in a war zone in Colombia is to live with the threat of murder in daily intimacy. At an average of six per day, 2,190 children were murdered in 1993 according to Colombia's national statistical bureau (DANE). In some regions, the murder of children has reached epidemic proportions.
  • November 1, 1994

    In July 1994, the campaign to expel non-Serbs from Bosnian Serb-held areas of northern Bosnia accelerated. Most of those being displaced came from the northwestern and northeastern parts of the country.
  • November 1, 1994

    Repression Continues in Northern Sudan

    Gross human rights violations continue in Sudan five years after a military coup overthrew the elected civilian government in June 30, 1989, and brought to power a military regime dominated by the National Islamic Front (NIF), a minority party that achieved only 18.4 percent of the popular vote in the 1986 elections.1 The Sudanese have suffered under military rule and single-party dictatorship for
  • November 1, 1994

    On September 20, 1993, 3 Roma (Gypsy) men were killed by a mob in the village of Hadareni following the stabbing death of an ethnic Romanian. During the violence, 13 Roma houses were set on fire and destroyed and an additional 4 houses were seriously damaged.
  • November 1, 1994


    Many of the 18 countries comprising the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) group came to the 1994 summit in Jakarta with impressive economic growth rates and poor human rights records. The Asia-Pacific region has generated a debate about the relationship between economic development and human rights.
  • November 1, 1994

    Revisited Threats to Freedom of Expression Continue in Miami’s Cuban Exile Community

    In 1992, we released a report (see B407) documenting instances of harassment and intimidation against members of the Miami Cuban exile community who expressed moderate political views regarding the government of Fidel Castro or relations with Cuba. In addition to intimidation by private actors, the report found significant responsibility by the U.S. government at all levels.
  • November 1, 1994

    Child Soldiers and Unaccompanied Boys in Southern Sudan

    This report focuses on the use of child soldiers by the rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Army. The government’s ill treatment of children is described in another report (see 1290). The use of child soldiers bodes ill for the future of the country. Boys as young as 11 have been recruited to fight in Sudan’s civil war.
  • October 2, 1994

    In early August 1994, hundreds of Cubans began leaving their country by boat, heading north toward the United States ninety miles away. Initially, the drama of these perilous journeys was localized, and the influx was treated as just a South Florida news story. The flow of Cubans had rapidly become an exodus, and their story of danger and desperation an international news event. For the U.S.
  • October 1, 1994

    In this report, we called upon the government of Tajikistan to release all individuals imprisoned or detained for the peaceful expression of political views, and to provide new and fair trials to those convicted of a crime in the absence of internationally guaranteed rights to due process.
  • October 1, 1994

    During 70 days of conventional warfare between government forces and the separatist southern army, the government army won a military victory over the rebels. This report highlights our concerns regarding both sides as they resorted to unlawful tactics during the conflict.
  • October 1, 1994

    On the Eve of Presidential Elections

    In its 19th session, held on July 20-21, 1994, the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Tajikistan voted to hold presidential elections and a constitutional referendum on September 25, 1994. We support the transition to a democratic government in Tajikistan, but believed at the time that conditions in Tajikistan did not permit free and democratic elections