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Helsinki Watch

January/Croatia and Bosnia: To investigate human rights and humanitarian problems in Bosnia-Hercegovina.

January/Croatia and Serbia: To investigate sexual abuse of women in Bosnia-Hercegovina.

January/Hungary: To investigate the treatment of Romas.

April-May/Russia and Turkmenistan: To conduct a preliminary investigation into human rights conditions there. To release the report on Human Rights in Uzbekistan at a press conference in Moscow on May 5. Attempted to visit Uzbekistan (thwarted by Uzbekistan authorities).

May/Kazakhstan: To monitor a trial of a human rights activist.

May/Czech Republic and Slovakia: To investigate press restrictions and treatment of ethnic Hungarians and Romas.

June/Bulgaria: To investigate the decommunization process and the treatment of Romas.

June/Germany: To investigate the treatment of refugees in Germany.

May-September/Croatia and Bosnia: To conduct fact-finding missions in the republics of former Yugoslavia; to investigate civil and political rights in Croatia; to further investigate and update UN performance in the former Yugoslavia; to document rules of war violations in central and western Bosnia.

May-June/Tajikistan: To investigate violations of civil and political rights and meet with government officials about human rights conditions.

May/Czech Republic and Slovakia: To meet with activists and government officials to discuss Helsinki Watch's concerns.

June/Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan: To meet with government officials, present our mission findings and discuss our concerns about human rights in the region, and release newsletter on Azerbaijani air raids in Nagorno Karabakh.

July/Turkey: To investigate virginity controls through gynecological exams by state agents.

July/Greece: To investigate the situation of the Macedonian minority.

July/Macedonia: To investigate minority questions and the state of human rights in general.

July-August/Russia and Georgia: To investigate violations of the rules of war, and reinforce contact with regional human rights groups.

August-September/Estonia and Latvia: To investigate treatment of the non-citizen minority, to investigate restrictions on citizenship and establish initial contacts in the region.

September-October/Serbia and Montenegro: To investigate civil and political rights in Kosovo and Montenegro.

October-November/Estonia, Latvia: To meet with government officials about Helsinki Watch findings and release two reports.

October-November/Russia: To meet with government officials about the recent upheaval in Moscow and address Helsinki Watch's concern about human rights.

November/Romania: To investigate recent mob violence against the Roma minority as well as the government's failure to investigate and prosecute part violence against Romas.

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