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To the Rwandan Government:

C Ensure that all members of the Rwandan Patriotic Army and the Local Defense Forces respect the right to life and security of civilians and cease immediately all types of abuses against civilians.

C Ensure that the justice system investigate and prosecute more effectively soldiers, former soldiers and members of the Local Defense Forces accused of human rights abuses. Establish a single, effective system for ensuring accountability from the Local Defense Forces.

C Enforce an end to the practice of illegal detentions of Rwandan citizens. Release or bring promptly to trial those currently detained without regard to due process. Close irregular places of detention such as the MILPOC facility in Gisenyi.

C Ensure freedom of speech, association, and the press, as guaranteed by the Rwandan constitution.

To the Donor Community:

C Suspend military assistance or training programs to the RPA until abuses against civilians have been investigated and those responsible for past abuses have been brought to justice.

C Ensure that decisions on development assistance are made after weighing the human rights record of the Rwandan government, particularly as it concerns the protection of human life, the effective functioning of the justice system, and the guarantee of free speech, free association and free press.

C Make prompt and effective use of public and private diplomacy to condemn human rights abuses by the RPA and insurgent forces and to press for accountability for such abuses.

Human Rights Watch
Africa Division

Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world.

We stand with victims and activists to bring offenders to justice, to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom and to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime.

We investigate and expose human rights violations and hold abusers accountable.

We challenge governments and those holding power to end abusive practices and respect international human rights law.

We enlist the public and the international community to support the cause of human rights for all.

The staff includes Kenneth Roth, executive director; Michele Alexander, development director; Reed Brody, advocacy director; Carroll Bogert, communications director; Barbara Guglielmo, finance and administration director; Jeri Laber, special advisor; Lotte Leicht, Brussels office director; Patrick Minges, publications director; Susan Osnos, associate director;Maria Pignataro Nielsen, human resources director; Jemera Rone, counsel; Malcolm Smart, program director; Wilder Tayler, general counsel; and Joanna Weschler, United Nations representative. Jonathan Fanton is the chair of the board. Robert L. Bernstein is the founding chair.

Its Africa division was established in 1988 to monitor and promote the observance of internationally recognized human rights in sub-Saharan Africa. Peter Takirambudde is the executive director; Janet Fleischman is the Washington director; Suliman Ali Baldo is the senior researcher; Alex Vines is the research associate; Bronwen Manby and Binaifer Nowrojee are counsels; Zachary Freeman and Tamar Satnet are associates; Alison DesForges is a consultant; and Peter Bouckaert is the Orville Schell Fellow. William Carmichael is the chair of the advisory committee.

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