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ASEAN          Association of Southeast Asian Nations

CBO               Community-based organization

CIDKP           Committee for Internally Displaced Karen People

DKBA             Democratic Karen Buddhist Army

HURFOM     Human Rights Foundation of Monland

ICRC              International Committee of the Red Cross

IDP                 Internally Displaced Person

IMNA             Independent Mon News Agency

KESAN          Karen Environment and Social Action Network

KHRG                        Karen Human Rights Group

KIO                 Kachin Independence Organization

KNLA             Karen National Liberation Army

KNPP             Karenni National Progressive Party

KNU               Karen National Union

MNEC           Mon National Education Committee

NLD               National League for Democracy

NMSP                        New Mon State Party

PKDS              Pan-Kachin Development Society

SLORC           State Law and Order Restoration Council

SPDC              State Peace and Development Council

TBBC             Thailand Burma Border Consortium

UNHCR         United Nations High Commission for Refugees

UNICEF        United Nations Children’s Fund

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