

Interviews for this report were conducted by Joshua Franco, Leonard H. Sandler fellow in the International Justice Program; Benjamin Ward, associate director of the Europe and Central Asia Division; and Wanda Troszczynska Van Genderen, researcher for the Europe and Central Asia Division. This report was written by Joshua Franco. It was edited by Richard Dicker, director of the International Justice Program, and Sara Darehshori, senior counsel for the International Justice Program. Param-Preet Singh, counsel for the International Justice Program, edited and provided guidance and assistance during the research and drafting of the report. Wanda Troszczynska Van Genderen also edited the report. Legal review was conducted by Clive Baldwin, senior legal advisor, while Ian Gorvin, senior program officer, conducted program review. BCS-language legal research for this report was conducted by interns Sanja Popovic and Daniel Gerstle. BCS-language legal review was conducted by volunteers Alexandra Milenov and Ivan Jovanovic. Bogdan Ivanisevic generously volunteered as proofreader. Mia Psorn, associate in the International Justice Program, provided invaluable translation and editing, and produced this report, in conjunction with publications specialist Grace Choi and mail manager Fitzroy Hepkins. Human Rights Watch would also like to thank interpreters Omar Beganovic, Nedzad Sladic, and Sanja Pavlovic.

Human Rights Watch wishes to thank all of the individuals who took the time to provide information for this report. We are particularly grateful to our colleagues in Bosnian civil society groups for their insights, as well as their assistance in identifying interview subjects and in arranging logistical support.

The International Justice Program would like to express appreciation to the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the JEHT Foundation for their support of our program.