Why mass expulsions won't solve refugee crisis; #WatchOurSchools; high-profile hostage freed in Pakistan; justice for Syrians; women workers; pregnancy pitfalls in Papua New Guinea; South Sudan journalists brutally tortured; horrific overcrowding in Philippines prisons; & Burma's "badass" women...

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Afghanistan's legal system is still failing the family of a 27-year-old woman murdered in Kabul. Farkhunda was beaten to death last year, and Afghan courts have just delivered another blow to justice in her case.
A state of emergency in Hungary in response to asylum seekers looking for relief in the European Union isn't the right approach. Hungary's moral compass shouldn't be dictated by fear.
Last week, French President Francois Hollande awarded Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince with the Legion of Honor for Saudi Arabia's fight against terrorism. The prestigious award is given to foreign nationals who support causes defended by France. So which of Saudi Arabia's human rights violations is France applauding?
An ailing journalist in Gambia arbitrarily detained since July 2015 should be released immediately. This is yet another case in Gambia's erosion of freedom of expression.
From earlier today: Europe's draft proposal to stem migration to the EU with the help of Turkey by using "rapid-fire, mass expulsions" sets a dangerous precedent and would be "knowingly short-sighted", Human Rights Watch has said. The plan would see migrants and asylum seekers forcibly returned to Turkey, which is not a safe country of asylum for Syrians, in return for Europe legally settling a similar number of migrants.
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