People don't want killer robots; key stories to look out for in the Middle East in 2019; hope for an investigation into Zimbabwe's new crackdown; and human rights featured prominently in this year’s Oscar shortlists.

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More than three in every five people responding to a new poll in 26 countries oppose the development of "killer robots" - weapons systems that would select and attack targets without human intervention. 

Following the launch of our World Report last week, Human Rights Watch today had a live deep-dive into one region in particular: the Middle East and North Africa. Our experts met in London and took questions online from around the world. 

Hope have been raised for a possible investigation into abuses during the recent crackdown in Zimbabwe.

Human rights are featured prominently in this year’s Oscar shortlists. Five of the 15 shortlisted films for Best Documentary (out of 166 eligible titles) are part of the 2018 and 2019 Human Rights Watch Film Festival. We’re rooting for one to win the Oscar statuette on February 24...

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