Larissa Kojoué

Larissa Kojoué

Larissa Kojoué is a Cameroonian scholar and Women Human Rights Advocate. She graduated from the University of Yaoundé 2-Soa (Cameroon) and from Sciences Po Bordeaux (France).  Researcher, lecturer, queer Pan African feminist and social justice activist, Larissa Kojoué is passionate about human rights struggles, art and African literature. Her experience includes the realization of several academic and community research projects, the publication of a dozen articles on HIV/AIDS policies, Citizenship, State-Society relations, digital practices, gender and sexuality. It also includes teaching political sociology at the University of Lyon Lumière and the University of Buea. Alongside her academic work, she has always been engaged in activist work: movement building, leadership training, advocacy, resource mobilization and coordination of community projects targeting specifically women and sexual minorities in West and Central Africa.