The Daily Brief

June 13, 2024 The Daily Brief

Georgia Is Following Russia into a Nightmare; Quick Takes: Haiti; Oklahoma, US; Greece; Readers’ Recommendations; Daily Video; Weekly Quiz!

A protester holding an LGBT flag
June 12, 2024 The Daily Brief

Why Can’t Uganda Do What Others Do?; Quick Takes: Afghanistan; Safe Schools; South Korea; Readers’ Recommendations; Daily Videos.

4 girls in a school classroom
June 11, 2024 The Daily Brief

Ukraine’s Future Is Now; Quick Takes: Hong Kong; Yemen; Namibia; Readers’ Recommendations; Daily Videos.

Rubble in a destroyed classroom
June 10, 2024 The Daily Brief

Taliban Halves Afghanistan’s Potential; Quick Takes: Brazil; Tunisia; Ukraine; Readers’ Recommendations; Daily Video.

Schoolboys in a classroom
June 6, 2024 The Daily Brief

Political Theater Masks Cruelty; Quick Takes: Children’s Rights; Saudi Arabia; Vietnam; Readers’ Recommendations; Daily Brief in Video; Human Rights Quiz!; Support Our Work.

A protest against the "Remain in Mexico" policy in front of the US Supreme Court
June 5, 2024 The Daily Brief

What Is White Phosphorus?; Quick Takes: Haiti; LGBT Rights; Taiwan; Readers’ Recommendations; Video Daily Brief; Support Our Work!

Artillery-delivered white phosphorus munition being airburst over Kfar Kila, a Lebanese border village with Israel, as seen from Marjayoun in southern Lebanon, November 22, 2023.
June 4, 2024 The Daily Brief

Iraqi Authorities Not Upholding the Law; Quick Takes: Older People; Ethiopia; Uganda/US; Australia/Gaza; Readers’ Recommendations; Daily Brief in Video; New Podcast Episode: Saudi Slaughter; Support Our Work!

A group of people
June 3, 2024 The Daily Brief

Tiananmen Massacre, 35 Years On; Quick Takes: Tunisia; Climate Crisis; Poland; Readers’ Recommendations; New Podcast Episode: Saudi Slaughter; Daily Brief in Video; Support Our Work!

Thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators protest in front of the Gate of Heavenly Peace in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China, May 17, 1989.
May 30, 2024 The Daily Brief

International Support for Haiti in Crisis; Quick Takes: UK; Panama; Uzbekistan; Readers’ Recommendations; Quote of the Day: Hong Kong; Daily Videos; Weekly Quiz!

Supplies are offloaded from a U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo plane on the tarmac at Toussaint Louverture International Airport in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The plane was carrying supplies for the camp being built for Kenyan police officers who will lead a Multinational Security Support mission into Haiti, May 15, 2024.
May 29, 2024 The Daily Brief

Pakistan Expropriates the Poor; Quick Takes: Germany; Russia/Ukraine; Zimbabwe; Readers’ Recommendations; Daily Brief in Video.

A bulldozer demolishing a house