The Daily Brief

November 7, 2023 The Daily Brief

Possible Wider Complicity in Gaza Crimes; Philippines Murder Broadcast Live; Turkey: Seven Years of Wrong; Take Note: Other Key Stories; Support Our Work!

Airbursts of artillery-fired white phosphorus fall over the Gaza city port, October 11, 2023.
November 6, 2023 The Daily Brief

“Death by a Thousand Cuts” to Rights in France; Fighting Back in Brazil; Gaza Crisis Testing Pillars of Democracy in US; Take Note: Other Key Stories; Support Our Work!

More than 200 young refugees demonstrate in front of the State Council building in Paris, December 2, 2022.  Many have been sleeping, some for 6 months or longer, under the bridges in Ivry-sur-Seine, on the outskirts of Paris.
November 2, 2023 The Daily Brief

What atrocities? Look, sportsball!; Crackdown on Pipeline Protesters in Uganda; Atrocities Continue Despite Truce in Ethiopia; Take Note: Other Key Stories; Weekly Quiz!; Republishing the Daily Brief; Reminder: Our Schedule; Support Our Work!

November 1, 2023 The Daily Brief

Will Bangladesh Listen to Its Partners?; Unable to Flee in Gaza; Fighting for Freedom in Florida; Take Note: Other Key Stories; Please Support Our Work!

Police clash with Bangladesh Nationalist Party supporters who are protesting for a fair election, Dhaka, Bangladesh, October 28, 2023.
October 31, 2023 The Daily Brief

A Win in Japan for North Korea’s Victims; Pakistan’s Dire Deportation Deadline; War and School: What Kind of Future for Children?; Take Note: Other Key Stories; Support Our Work!

Escapees from North Korea and their supporters march to the Tokyo District Court to file a lawsuit against the North Korean government for violating their human rights, August 20, 2018. 
October 26, 2023 The Daily Brief

Turkish Drone Strikes on Infrastructure; Endless Brutality in Myanmar; Israel and Palestine: What People Are Reading; Take Note: Other Key Stories; Weekly Quiz!; Republishing the Daily Brief; Support Our Work!

 Residents of al-Hasakeh city gather around a communal water tank to fill up Jerry cans and buckets with water for their daily needs as they hardly get any water from the city’s water network due to longstanding water disputes, al-Hasakeh city, northeast Syria, May 8, 2023.
October 25, 2023 The Daily Brief

The Latest on Israel and Palestine; Center Stage in Brussels; Condemning China’s Crimes; Take Note: Other Key Stories; Reminder: Our Schedule; Support Our Work!

A girl walks around tents at a camp set up by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) for Palestinians who fled to the southern Gaza Strip, October 19, 2023. 
October 24, 2023 The Daily Brief

120,000 Have Fled in Fear; Israel Still Blocking Aid to Civilians in Gaza; Australia: Death of Child in Detention; Take Note: Other Key Stories; Support Our Work!

Ariana, 11, Agnessa, 22, Melinda, 12, and Amanda, 18, in Tatev, Armenia, the day after their long journey from Nagorno-Karabakh, September 29, 2023.