The Daily Brief

October 13, 2022 The Daily Brief

Bravery vs Thuggery in Iran; US Stops Funding Some Militaries That Use Child Soldiers; World Condemns Russia’s Sham Annexations; Take Note; Listen: Upcoming Report on Ukraine; What Are You Reading?

October 12, 2022 The Daily Brief

Wage Theft in Qatar; A Bit of Good News on Afghanistan; How NOT to Respond to Human Rights Abuses; Take Note; Quote of the Day: Ukraine.

Former short-term visa holders who had signed 2-year employment contracts but were sent back to Nepal within months. They had paid upward of US$1,138 as recruitment fees.
October 11, 2022 The Daily Brief

A Coronation after Crimes in China; Bahraini Injustice: Systematic and Deadly; Russia’s New Pride in Bombing Civilians; Take Note; International Day of the Girl; Readers Respond: UN Rights Council.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, front row center, stands with other officials
October 10, 2022 The Daily Brief

Wins and Losses in Geneva; Nobel Recognition Amid Grim Reality; World Mental Health Day; Take Note; Daily Brief in the News: Russia; Quote of the Day: Bangladesh.

Overview of the United Nations Human Rights Council is seen in Geneva, Switzerland June 6, 2017.
October 5, 2022 The Daily Brief

Billionaire Looks Set to Buy Twitter; An “Obsession” with Cruelty in the UK; UN Rights Body Fails Philippines; Take Note; Call for Reader Recommendations; Quote of the Day: Xinjiang.

October 4, 2022 The Daily Brief

Nigeria to End Military Detention of Kids; A Modest Proposal on Xinjiang; An Obvious Message for Honduras; Take Note; Listen: Afghanistan; Reader Suggestion: North Korea Missile Launch; Quote of the Day: Liberia.

UNICEF photo