The Daily Brief

April 17, 2024 The Daily Brief

Settler Violence in the West Bank; Quick Takes: Sudan; Germany; Mali; Readers’ Recommendations; Support Our Work!

A room under construction by families displaced after attacks by settlers and soldiers from Khirbet Zanuta, in the southern West Bank, November 23, 2023.
April 16, 2024 The Daily Brief

A Slogan That Does the Job; Quick Takes: Saudi Arabia; Tajikistan; Ecuador; Readers’ Recommendations; Support Our Work!

Belarusian LGBTQ activists with white-red-white flags participate in the Warsaw Equality Parade, June 25, 2022.
April 15, 2024 The Daily Brief

The Four Groups Involved in Sudan’s Crisis; Quick Takes: Germany; US/Iraq; Brazil; Readers’ Recommendations; Support Our Work!

A destroyed medical storage facility in Nyala, the capital of South Darfur province, Sudan, May 2, 2023.
April 11, 2024 The Daily Brief

Spending Money on Abuses in Texas; Quick Takes: Global Health Care; Thailand/Myanmar; Greece; France; Readers’ Recommendations; Weekly Quiz!; Quote of the Day: EU Misery Pact.

A satellite image of land clearing in Eagle Pass, Texas.
April 10, 2024 The Daily Brief

Rohingya Forced to Fight in Myanmar; Quick Takes: Climate Crisis; US; Gaza; Bahrain; Readers’ Recommendations; Quote of the Day: Climate Crisis.

A Myanmar police officer patrols a camp.
April 8, 2024 The Daily Brief

Senegal Sees Hope; Quick Takes: Philippines; Russia; Bulgaria; Readers’ Recommendations; Support Our Work!

Bassirou Diomaye Faye delivers his inaugural speech after being sworn in as Senegal's president in Dakar, Senegal, April 2, 2024.
April 4, 2024 The Daily Brief

Russia-Style Laws Spread as EU Dithers on Support for Civil Society; Quick Takes: Gaza; Cambodia; Ethiopia; Readers’ Recommendations; Weekly Quiz!

On the night before the infamous “foreign agents” law came into force back in 2012, unknown individuals sprayed graffiti reading, “Foreign Agent! ♥ USA” on the buildings hosting the offices of three prominent NGOs in Moscow, including Memorial. 
April 3, 2024 The Daily Brief

Mexican State Should Legally Recognize Trans Identities; Quick Takes: Panama/Colombia; Eswatini; Iran; Readers’ Recommendations.

Screenshot of 'The Keys to Freedom' Documentary
April 2, 2024 The Daily Brief

Indonesian Army Apologizes After Torture Video Goes Viral; Quick Takes: Rwanda; Russia; Saudi Arabia; Readers’ Recommendations; Support Our Work!

A video still shows Indonesian soldiers seriously mistreating a Papuan man in their custody in Gome, Central Papua, March 2024.