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Last updated Thursday January 31, 2002

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September 11 Attacks: Crimes Against Humanity
The Aftermath
 (January 30, 2002)

Afghanistan: Human Rights Watch Key Documents (December 13, 2001)

Rwanda: Activists in Detention
(New York, January 31, 2002) Rwandan authorities should make public any charges against two Catholic lay figures arrested over the weekend and release them promptly if there is no adequate legal reason for their detention.
Australia: Release Refugee Children
(New York, January 30, 2002:) In a letter sent to the top Australian immigration official, Human Rights Watch said that the detention of unaccompanied children seeking asylum violate Australia's commitments under a U.N. treaty on children's rights.
Karzai at the U.N.: Past Crimes in Afghanistan Should Be Addressed
(New York, January 29, 2002) The U.N. Security Council should raise the issue of justice for past human rights abuses in Afghanistan in its meeting with Hamid Karzai on Wednesday, Human Rights Watch said today.
Zimbabwe: Commonwealth Must Act
(New York, January 29, 2002) Presidential elections scheduled for March 9-10 in Zimbabwe are highly unlikely to be free and fair, Human Rights Watch charged in a submission to the Commonwealth today.
U.S. Officials Misstate Geneva Convention Requirements
(New York, January 28, 2002) In a letter this morning to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Human Rights Watch rebutted claims made by some administration officials that key Geneva Conventions requirements do not apply to the Guantanamo detainees.
Human Rights Watch Letter: Uzbekistan: EU Should Press for Human Rights

United Nations: Dangers Still Present in Anti-Terror Treaty
(New York, January 28, 2002) Today, the United Nations Sixth Committee of the General Assembly is resuming debate on a comprehensive treaty on international terrorism. The draft text that is being considered, however, threatens to do serious damage to human rights protection, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said today.
Bush/Karzai Summit: Reconstruction Aid and Rights Protection Essential
(New York, January 25, 2002) Human Rights Watch today urged President Bush to offer more U.S. assistance for Afghanistan's reconstruction needs when he meets Hamid Karzai, the head of the interim administration, in Washington on January 28.
Uzbekistan: President Rigs Extended Term of Office
(New York, January 25, 2002) Human Rights Watch today said that an upcoming presidential referendum in Uzbekistan, a close U.S. ally in the war against terrorism, is fatally flawed.
Vietnam/Cambodia: Future of Montagnard Refugees at Risk
(London/New York, January 25, 2002) Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch today expressed concern over plans agreed by the Vietnamese and Cambodian governments and the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to facilitate repatriation of indigenous Montagnard refugees who have fled from Vietnam to Cambodia during the past year.
Enron: History of Human Rights Abuse in India
(New York, January 23, 2002) -- The human rights abuses that plagued the Enron Corporation's Dabhol power plant in India from 1992 to 1998 demonstrate the need for U.S. government agencies to scrutinize such controversial projects more closely, Human Rights Watch said today.
Macedonia: Rights Defenders Under Attack
(New York, January 19, 2002) In letters sent today to the President and Prime Minister of Macedonia, Human Rights Watch denounced a recent campaign to discredit and intimidate the Macedonian Helsinki Committee, a local human rights organization.
Afghanistan: Donors in Tokyo Must Fund Human Rights
(New York, January 18, 2002) -- The international donors who are meeting in Tokyo on January 21-22 should fully fund human rights initiatives for Afghanistan, Human Rights Watch urged today.
Cambodia: End Political Violence During Commune Elections
(New York, January 18, 2002) - Political violence and intimidation are increasing as Cambodia prepares for commune-level elections on February 3, Human Rights Watch said in a backgrounder released today.
Indonesia: Freedom of Expression Under Assault
(New York, Jan. 18, 2002) Human Rights Watch today condemned the January 16 conviction of an activist who organized peaceful demonstrations in Jakarta. The demonstrations called for an end to "crimes against humanity" committed by Indonesian forces in Aceh.
Lawyer For Victims Of Ex-Chad Dictator Honored
(New York, January 17, 2002) Human Rights Watch today hailed the announcement that Jacqueline Moudeïna, a lawyer from Chad who was almost killed because of her work on behalf of torture victims, had received the prestigious Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders.
Anti-Terror Campaign Cloaking Human Rights Abuse
(New York, January 16, 2002) The anti-terror campaign led by the United States is inspiring opportunistic attacks on civil liberties around the world, Human Rights Watch warned in its annual global survey released today.
Chile: Arrest of TV Panelist Condemned
(New York, January 15, 2002) Human Rights Watch called for the release of Chilean businessman Eduardo Yañez, who was arrested today in Santiago and faces prosecution on charges of lack of respect for authority.
Vietnam: No Montagnard Repatriation Without Protection
(New York, January 15, 2002) --Ahead of tripartite talks in Phnom Penh on the status of Vietnamese ethnic minority asylum seekers in Cambodia, Human Rights Watch today called on all parties to ensure that the rights of individuals fleeing persecution are fully protected.
Egypt: Democracy Activist Needs Medical Treatment
(New York, January 14, 2002) Human Rights Watch today condemned Egypt's continued incarceration of Saadeddin Ibrahim and other defendants in the Ibn Khaldun case. Their legal appeal to the Court of Cassation resumes on January 16, 2002.
U.S.: Geneva Conventions Apply to Guantanamo Detainees
(New York, January 11, 2002) -- Human Rights Watch questioned Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld´s statement today that captured fighters from Afghanistan shipped to Cuba were “unlawful combatants” not entitled to protection under the Geneva Conventions.
Colombia: Rupture in Peace Negotiations Endangers Civilians
(New York, January 10, 2002) -- Colombian authorities should take immediate steps to protect the civilian population in the area of southern Colombia ceded to rebels for peace talks, Human Rights Watch said today.
Rwanda: Opposition Politician Shot, Others Detained
(New York, January 9, 2002) Rwandan authorities should immediately investigate the murder of Gratien Munyarubuga, a founder of the opposition Democratic Party for Renewal-Ubuyanja, and end harassment of other opposition and press figures, Human Rights Watch said today.
Nigeria: First Execution under Sharia Condemned
(New York, January 8, 2002) -- The Nigerian authorities should not carry out the death sentences of local Islamic courts, as happened with the January 3 execution of a man in the northern state of Katsina, Human Rights Watch said today.
Iran: Trial of Political Activists Begins
(New York, January 8, 2002) -- Human Rights Watch today condemned the Iranian government’s prosecution of fifteen members of the National Religious Alliance (Melli Mazhabi) before a Revolutionary Court as a violation of their basic rights to freedom of expression and freedom of association.
Shanghai Six: Uphold Rights in Fight Against Terror
(New York, January 5, 2002) -- Human rights should be an essential part of the anti-terrorism strategy being discussed in Beijing on January 7 at a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Human Rights Watch said today.
Iran: Parliamentarians Convicted
(New York, January 4, 2002) -- Human Rights Watch today expressed grave concern about the politically motivated convictions in late December of Iranian parliamentarian Hossein Loghmanian and two other Members of Parliament.
Russia: Rights Defender Reported Killed in Chechnya
New York, December 22, 2001) -- The reported killing of a human rights defender in Chechnya should be investigated, Human Rights Watch said today.
Iran: Journalist at Risk
(New York, December 22, 2001) Human Rights Watch today said it was gravely concerned about the detention of Siamak Pourzand, a 73-year-old journalist who was arrested on November 29 and whose whereabouts remain unknown.