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In a letter to Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit, the rights group said Ocalan should be held accountable for abuses committed under his leadership, but that the trial must conform to international standards.

Serious violations have been committed by both sides to the conflict in southeastern Turkey, and Ocalan should be held accountable for those abuses committed under his leadership," explained Holly Cartner, executive director of Human Rights Watch's Europe & Central Asia Division. "But for the cause of international justice to be served in this case, Ocalan must enjoy the highest procedural safeguards."

International and non-governmental organizations, including Human Rights Watch, have documented the widespread use of torture in pre-trial detention and serious violations of the rights of the accused in Turkey, especially in the state security courts where Ocalan will likely be tried. Human rights groups have also cautioned that Ocalan may face the death penalty in Turkey.

Due to these concerns, Human Rights Watch had advocated that Ocalan be tried in a country other than Turkey, where his rights could be assured. When Ocalan was apprehended in Italy on a German arrest warrant last November, the organization pressed the Italian government to try Ocalan or find another jurisdiction to do so. These efforts broke down last month when Ocalan fled Italy for an unknown destination. The fugitive leader was apprehended in Kenya yesterday and taken to Turkey early this morning.

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