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Human Rights Watch called on rebels from the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid to the civilian population in areas under their control. There are currently 2.6 million civilians residing in areas under rebel control who are facing food shortages and a deteriorating health situation.

"It is clear that there is a humanitarian disaster in the countryside of Sierra Leone," said Peter Takirambudde, executive director of the Africa Division of Human Rights Watch. "But until the RUF grants aid agencies access, no one can provide any relief or know the true extent of the suffering."

On May 18, the RUF signed a ceasefire agreement with the Sierra Leonean government in which they agreed to "guarantee safe and unhindered access by humanitarian organizations to all people in need." Since then, aid agencies have been unable to obtain RUF clearance for delivery of food or medicines to civilians in rebel-held areas.

Civilians leaving RUF-controlled areas describe acute food shortages. Health workers are treating an increasing number of malnourished children and adults and have expressed concerns over increasing infant and child mortality rates, extreme shortage of medications, and country-wide outbreaks of measles and dysentery.

In a July 20 letter to rebel leader Corporal Sankoh, Human Rights Watch urged him to honor this agreement. In the letter, Human Rights Watch notes that efforts by U.N. agencies and international groups to commence assessments and programs within areas under RUF control have on several occasions been frustrated by communications breakdowns, failed appointments and new operational requirements being placed by the RUF.

Human Rights Watch urges the RUF to allow an assessment mission by U.N. and international organizations planned for July 22 to Makeni, one of the hardest-hit and most populated areas under rebel control, to take place, and for the delivery of humanitarian aid to commence shortly thereafter.

The government of Sierra Leone and the RUF on July 7 signed a peace accord which calls for the disarmament and demobilization of combatants, and allows for power sharing by the rebels and a blanket amnesty for all atrocities committed during Sierra Leone's civil war.

For more information, please contact:
In Freetown: Corinne Dufka +232-22-23-11-85
In New York: Zachary Freeman +212-216-1834
In London: Urmi Shah +44-171-713-1995
In Brussels: Jean-Paul Marthoz +32-2-732-2009

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