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(New York) -- The international donors who are meeting in Tokyo on January 21-22 should fully fund human rights initiatives for Afghanistan, Human Rights Watch urged today.

The donors' conference, convened by Japan, the European Union, Saudi Arabia, and the United States, will discuss funding priorities and make commitments for Afghanistan's reconstruction.

"Human rights musts be a central pillar of the reconstruction effort," said Mike Jendrzejczyk, Washington Director of the Asia Division of Human Rights Watch. "Afghanistan obviously needs development aid to rebuild the country physically. But rebuilding the basic institutions of society is no less important."

Jendrzejczyk said the priorities should include rebuilding the judicial system, reintegrating refugees, and protecting women's and children's rights. These efforts would require that relevant ministries in the new government, such as the Ministry of Women's Affairs, be adequately funded.

Human Rights Watch further urged donors to fully fund the United Nations mission, to ensure its capacity to investigate human rights abuses, and to provide funding and technical assistance for a new court and legal system. The legal system should emphasize the recruitment and training of Afghan women judges and lawyers, Human Rights Watch said.

Human Rights Watch also called for an infusion of funds for the clearing of landmines.

Refugees in camps outside of Afghanistan are also in urgent need of support and protection. Human Rights Watch warned against any attempts to force refugees to return to their homes against their will and before international monitoring and screening mechanisms are put in place.

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