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The people responsible for planning and carrying out car bombings that deliberately target civilians must be brought to justice, Human Rights Watch said. In Colombia, a car bomb that was detonated in the parking area of a social club in the capital on February 7 killed at least 25 and wounded more than 120.

Authorities reported that attackers detonated a 200-kilo car bomb at 8 p.m., as members and guests at the El Nogal social club celebrated a wedding and a children's party, and others dined or exercised in the facility's gym. According to reports, several of the dead were passersby on Carrera Séptima, the busy artery in front of the building. No one claimed responsibility for the attack.

"The use of these tactics merits the condemnation of the world," said José Miguel Vivanco, executive director of the Americas Division of Human Rights Watch. "They may even merit the attention of the International Criminal Court, which has jurisdiction to investigate and punish crimes against humanity committed in Colombia."

Vivanco called on the Colombian authorities to investigate the attack fully and ensure that those responsible are brought to justice. In addition, he expressed the group's condolences to the victims of the attack and the family members of the dead.

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