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The death of U.N. Special Envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello is a shocking loss not only to the United Nations and people of Iraq but to the cause of human rights, Human Rights Watch said.

"Sergio was not only an accomplished diplomat, but a true humanitarian," said Kenneth Roth, executive director for Human Rights Watch. "It is tragic he should end up the victim of the kind of war crime he fought so hard to prevent."

Mr. Vieira de Mello was killed in the bomb attack today (Tuesday) on the United Nations office in Baghdad. Human Rights Watch condemned the attack and expressed its deep sympathy for the scores of people who were killed or injured in the blast.

During his long career, Mr Vieira de Mello worked in many of the most difficult and dangerous places in the world, providing assistance and protection to refugees, displaced persons and victims of human rights abuse. He had taken a 4-month leave of absence from his post as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to serve in Iraq and was due to leave Iraq in September.

"Sergio's assignment to Iraq showed his unique ability to get things done." Roth said. "At a time when many people disparage the United Nations, he demonstrated its capacity to make a difference on the ground."

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