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Jeffrey Simpson blames protectionism for opposition to U.S. and Canadian free trade agreements (FTAs) with Colombia. This ignores the real reason that groups concerned with workers' rights oppose the Colombian FTAs at this time: widespread anti-union violence, impunity, and the influence of paramilitary death squads.

This ignores the real reason that groups concerned with workers' rights oppose the Colombian FTAs at this time: widespread anti-union violence, impunity, and the influence of paramilitary death squads.

Colombia leads the world in unionist murders; 19 have been killed this year. Impunity is endemic: Of 2,500 reported killings in the past two decades, 68 have resulted in convictions.

Criminal investigations are revealing close ties between paramilitaries and dozens of politicians, most from President Alvaro Uribe's coalition.
Free trade should be premised on respect for human rights. This respect is glaringly absent in Colombia.

José Miguel Vivanco; Jasmine Herlt
Americas director, Canada director, Human Rights Watch

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