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SIR – The decision by the United States Congress to delay consideration of the free-trade agreement (FTA) with Colombia is not, as you suggest, because the Democrats have something “against Colombia”. Last year Congress approved hundreds of millions of dollars in aid for Colombia, and such assistance will probably continue. The debate over the FTA revolves around a separate question: whether free trade should trump human-rights concerns, or whether it should be premised on respect for human rights, especially the rights of workers producing the goods to be traded.

If you agree with the latter view then it logically follows that before ratification of the FTA, Colombia must show progress in addressing the killings (with near-total impunity) of trade unionists and the influence of paramilitary death-squads who are responsible for much of the anti-union violence.

Colombia's status as an ally should not lead the United States to turn a blind eye to serious human-rights problems. Congress is right to shift course and show that it means what it says when it talks about human rights.

José Miguel Vivanco
Americas director
Human Rights Watch
Washington, DC

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