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Youth Producing Change: Call for Submissions:

Human Rights Watch and Adobe Youth Voices Seek Films Made by Young People

The Human Rights Watch International Film Festival in partnership with Adobe Youth Voices seeks youth-produced film, video and animated works on human rights issues made by youth ages 19 and under for its third annual YOUTH PRODUCING CHANGE program.

Armed with digital cameras, computers and their own boundless creativity, young people across the globe are bravely exposing human rights issues faced by themselves and their communities. YOUTH PRODUCING CHANGE provides a platform for youth to share their perspectives with audiences worldwide.

Submit your film and read more about the program.

Selected films will travel to:

  • Human Rights Watch International Film Festival, New York : June 10-24, 2010
  • Human Rights Watch International Film Festival, London : March 2011 (dates tba)
  • Human Rights Watch International Film Festival, San Francisco: March 2011 (dates tba)
  • Selected films will be included in the 2010 Traveling Film Festival
  • Films will be added to the Adobe Youth Voices and Human Rights Watch websites
  • And distributed to teachers throughout the United States

To watch the films from our first year of YOUTH PRODUCING CHANGE please click here:

Thanks! We look forward to seeing your films!

Best Regards,

Jennifer Nedbalsky                                              Miguel Salinas
Program Manager                                                Senior Program Manager
Human Rights Watch Intl Film Festival | Adobe Youth Voices

Your tax deductible gift can help stop human rights violations and save lives around the world.

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