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Human Rights Watch detailed findings of extrajudicial executions by Brazil’s state police officers, who report that the killings resulted from shootouts. We found that officers involved in these killings take the corpses to hospitals to destroy crime scene evidence under the false pretext of rescuing them, and in some cases plant evidence on their victims before forensic investigators arrive.

It's crossing season again in the Mediterranean, with migrants from North Africa attempting to reach Europe. With crossing season comes death at sea, as we were reminded yesterday with the gut-wrenching news that 31 people had drowned trying to reach the Italian island of Lampedusa from nearby Libya. 

The Hamas authorities in the Gaza Strip closed two media offices. Officials’ allegations that the media offices had “fabricated” reports do not justify their closure under international law.

Pope Francis, the first ever pope from Latin America, states that while same-sex acts are sinful, same-sex orientation is not. 

In Egypt, more than 70 protesters were killed by security forces in Cairo on Saturday, as the authorities intensified their crackdown on supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsy. Human Right Watch's investigation confirmed that many of the victims were shot in head or chest.

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