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As the G20 summit concludes, world leaders remain bitterly divided over the prospect of military action in Syria. US President Barack Obama says action is necessary after a chemical attack in Syria, while Russia’s President Vladimir Putin says any action would be illegal. 

What countries are giving aid to Syria? Ultimately, few are giving enough

Former Argentine judge Otilio Romano, who allegedly committed more than 100 human rights crimes during Argentina’s “Dirty War” in the 70s and early 80s, was extradited from Chile to stand trial. 

In the United States, children working on farms are exempt from many labor regulations – a hangover from the days when most farms were family owned. Yet these exemptions actually harm children, Human Rights Watch’s research shows. 

India’s Supreme Court has stepped in to help protect women from acid attacks and offer attack victims compensation. But India needs further reform to its judicial system to go to keep its women safe

In the US, the California Assembly today is voting on a bill that would offer hope and a meaningful opportunity of parole for over 5,000 youth offenders in the state. 

What's hot news at Human Rights Watch? 
As the the G20 summit in Russia comes to a close today, world leaders remain divided over Syria. President Obama, who confronts a divided Congress and public opposition in the US, arrived late to last night's G20 working dinner as he tried to rally senior law-makers to support his call for limited military strikes against Syria. 
UN chief Ban Ki-Moon urged the states to put aside their differences over the Syrian conflict, and to take concerted action to help Syria's population. None of the G20 countries have done all they could to help save Syrian lives, and it’s high time they did.

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