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Human Rights Watch Daily Brief, 7 October

Africa & the ICC, California & Immigration, India & Rape, Child Labor, Soldiers in Schools

Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan stood up powerfully against African leaders' attacks on the International Criminal Court (ICC). He added his voice to civil society groups across Africa who back the ICC, including for the current cases on Kenya's 2007-2008 post-election violence. The African Union called a special summit for this weekend to discuss the court. 

The US federal government has increasingly tapped local law enforcement to perform the federal functions of apprehending and detaining undocumented immigrants. California has just become the latest state to pass a law limiting the involvement of local authorities in federal immigration enforcement. 

Indian authorities should properly investigate all crimes, including allegations of sexual assault and gang rape during last month’s communal violence in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh.

The Global Conference on Child Labour convenes tomorrow in Brazil. 

What effective strategies are countries using to bring down the number of child workers? 
Note: child workers aren't all in developing countries. 

In wars around the world today, national armed forces and non-state armed groups are occupying and using schools in support of their military effort.

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