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All eyes are on Africa before the African Union summit on the International Criminal Court (ICC). But what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to Kenya, the ICC, and the slated trials of Kenya President Uhuru Kenyatta and his running-mate William Ruto? 

In Greece, a new anti-racism bill may be introduced in Parliament in the coming days. The bill comes amid a crackdown on the far-right anti-immigrant party Golden Dawn. One of the party’s alleged members is the main suspect in the murder of anti-fascist rapper, Pavlos Fyssas.

In Indonesia, official restrictions have effectively blocked foreign media from freely reporting in Papua for decades. But after three Papuan activists scaled the Australian Consulate's fence and hand-delivering a personal plea to open Papua to world scrutiny, Papua’s invited international journalists to visit Papua – without applying for for the usual permit. 

When Ecuador’s National Assembly begins debating a draft criminal code reform today, Ecuadoran women will notice a change to the draft debated last year — the law still prohibits abortion in cases of rape.

Earlier today, Jo Becker, our children's rights advocacy director, presented at the Global Conference of Child Labor, held in Brazil. 

From earlier today: 
Canada has blasted the secretary general of the Commonwealth, calling the leader of the 53-member group of nations, a "shill for the Sri Lankan leadership" and its record of serious and wide-ranging human rights abuses. The choice of Sri Lanka as host of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in November has been met with much international criticism in recent months, with Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper declaring he would boycott the meeting due to the country's rights record. Queen Elizabeth II, head of the Commonwealth, will also not attend. The list of Colombo's abuses is long and includes the government’s failure to independently or credibly investigate allegations of war crimes during the country’s armed conflict, such as indiscriminately shelling civilians (photo).   

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