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UK Prime Minister David Cameron threatened to possibly stop newspapers from publishing information leaked to them by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden if the newspapers “don’t demonstrate some social responsibility.”  

Cameron argued that the leaks make people “less safe.” But is that his real reason for making the threat? 

The trial of Vietnamese blogger and social campaigner Dinh Nhat Uy starts tomorrow morning. The blogger, who posts political commentary online, was arrested after using his Facebook page to call for the release of his activist younger brother. 

With just 100 days before the opening ceremonies of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, the International Olympic Committee has a key opportunity to speak out about abuses linked to Russia’s preparations for the Games.

Despite Russia’s anti-gay law, Putin insists that LGBT athletes and fans will “feel comfortable” at Sochi’s games. 

Sticking with Russia, an aggressive campaign against migrants, and especially migrant workers, has been under way for months there. Police engage in ethnic profiling in Moscow,  Sochi and other cities. 

Across the globe in at least 24 countries since 2005, countless children have lost access to safe education when armies and rebel groups took over their schools. 

From earlier today

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