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Australia’s immigration and asylum policies come to the fore yet again as an asylum seeker, who gave birth one week ago, is locked up for 18 hours a day in a detention center while her baby struggles in the hospital with respiratory issues. 

The European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday held Turkey responsible for the 1994 deaths of 33 civilians from Kurdish villages – one of many incidents where Turkish forces are implicated in the death or disappearance of Kurds. 

The ruling should pressure Turkey to investigate more recent attacks against Kurds – like the 2011 Turkish bombing that  killed 34 Kurdish civilian men and boys at the Iraqi Kurdistan border.

Mexican officials admitted that more than 26,000 people have been “disappeared,” some by security forces, during the war on drugs. Last February, the government said it would revise its database of people gone missing, which is riddled with inconsistencies. It’s time for them to do so. 

Saudi Arabia is busy decrying Ethiopian domestic workers as sorcerers, rather than changing their system that leaves these workers vulnerable to physical, emotional and even sexual abuse. 

A new report by the ACLU shows that 3,200 are serving life without parole in US prisons, despite never having been convicted of a violent crime. 

Ashton Kutcher spoke on child trafficking and his organization, Thorn, at Human Rights Watch's annual fundraiser in Los Angeles yesterday. 
From earlier today: 
The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) is set to begin on Friday amid growing controversy over host country Sri Lanka's increasingly authoritarian rule and poor record of accountability for past abuses, including war crimes. The Canadian and Indian prime ministers have refused to attend the gathering, and now the leader of Mauritius has joined them

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