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The tragedy in the Central African Republic continues to unfold and our own Peter Bouckaert gave us a first-hand account of how the violence is impacting these communities; Tamara Alrifai gave voice to four rights defenders kidnapped in Syria; Janet Walsh described why the FAMILY Act should be passed quickly,  Elise Keppler called on the Security Council to ensure the cooperation of Sudan with the ICC, and Carlos H. Conde chronicled the ongoing  'war against the media' in the Philippines. Here are some of Dispatches you may have missed over the last week.


Dispatches: CAR - Tragedy at the Imam's House

On Thursday morning, the photographer Marcus Bleasdale and I went to see the imam of Bossangoa, Central African Republic (CAR), at his home in the Muslim Boro district of the town. The situation in Bossangoa was tense as word spread of heavy fighting in the capital, Bangui...

Dispatches: Syria - Abducting the Messenger

“They took Razan,” blinked the text message from my friend in Beirut. She meant that Razan Zeitouneh and three of her colleagues, all human rights defenders working at the Violations Documentation Center (VDC) in rural Damascus, had been kidnapped...

Dispatches: How Congress Can Deliver for Working Families

When Samantha learned she was pregnant, she hoped for a healthy delivery, a happy baby, and a smooth return to work. Life did not go according to plan...

Dispatches: Getting Away With Murder in Darfur

It was nearly nine years ago that the United Nations Security Council took what looked like an impossible step and referred the situation in Darfur to the International Criminal Court (ICC). But since then, no one facing an arrest warrant for crimes committed in that western region of Sudan has appeared before the court...

Dispatches: The War Against Journalists in the Philippines

The ongoing deadly attacks on journalists in the Philippines are no less than a war against themedia. In just the past two weeks, the body count in this war has surged...

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