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Nisha Varia looked at the inequality for domestic workers following the arrest of an Indian diplomat in New York, Minky Worden examined why some world leaders might not be attending the Sochi Olympics, Tamara Alrifai cast a light on the plight of Syrian refugees in Egypt, Steve Swerdlow found a break in Uzbekistan's media censorship, and Rachel Denber looked for justice in the release of prisoners in Russia. These were some of the best read posts in Dispatches, our daily forum for breaking human rights news and commentary. You can find all our Dispatches here.


Dispatches: India-US Row Ignores Short-Changed Domestic Worker

The arrest of an Indian diplomat in New York for paying her full-time nanny less than $600 per month instead of the US$4,500 stipulated on her visa application has created a diplomatic storm...


Dispatches: World Leaders Thinking Twice about Sochi

The news that several world leaders will not attend the Winter Olympics in Sochi sends a clear signal...


Dispatches: Egypt - Good News for Refuggess From Syria?

Some good news at last in the bleakness of the Syrian conflict...



Dispatches: Tired of Torture Tirades in Tashkent?

State-controlled and state-affiliated media in Uzbekistan are not sources I often turn to for scoops on what’s actually happening inside the country...


Dispatches: Pussy Riot, Khodorkovsky to be Free, But Where's Justice?

It is very difficult not to be moved at hearing that Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once Russia’s richest man but for the past 10 years its most famous political prisoner, could soon be free. That’s until the reality sinks in...

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