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Emma Sinclair-Webb examined the impunity in Turkey for the military’s targeting of civilians, Lydia Gall reported on the failure of Bulgaria to provide adequate shelter for asylum seekers, Elaine Pearson covered Nauru’s expensive plan to keep journalists from its poor human rights record, Boris Dittrich addressed the implications of a professional athlete coming out – especially ahead of Sochi, and Laura Pitter argued that the US government has a responsibility to show leniency toward Edward Snowden. These were some of the best read posts in Dispatches, our daily forum for breaking human rights news and commentary. You can find all our Dispatches here.


Dispatches: Impunity and Cover-Up in Turkey

A 16-page decision by an Ankara military prosecutor today proved once again that in Turkey the state can kill civilians and get away with it...



Dispatches: Asylum Seekers in Deplorable Conditions in Bulgaria

The fact that the boy preferred Lyubimets – a prison-like detention center – to the supposed refugee camp in Harmanli, speaks volumes about Bulgaria’s inexcusable failure to deal with the thousands of refugees flooding into the country...


Dispatches: Foreign Journalists Aren't Welcome in Nauru

Here’s an innovative way to discourage foreign media scrutiny of a touchy human rights issue: jack-up the cost of a journalist visa 40-fold...



Dispatches: Football Star Out, Sochi Offside

Thomas Hitzlsperger, a famous German football player who represented his country in the national team 52 times, played in Germany, England, and Italy before injuries ended his career last September. The other day he made a surprising announcement in an interview:  “I am gay.”...


Dispatches: Snowden Case Highlights Need for Whistleblower Reform

Momentum is building for the US to offer some kind of amnesty or clemency to former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden...


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