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At last a victory at Sochi, eroding women's rights in Burma, and giving the royal treatment to a repressive regime - these were among the most popular posts to Dispatches, our daily forum for breaking human rights news and commentary. You can find all our Dispatches here.


Dispatches: Denying Freedom of Choice in Burma

Buddhist women in Burma should not be stripped of their right to freedom of choice in life-changing matters like marriage. Yet that is precisely what U Wirathu, a nationalist Buddhist monk, is pushing Burma’s parliament to do...


Dispatches: Banning Dieudonné's anti-Semitic Show is Wrong

France made the wrong decision when it banned controversial comedian Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala, known for appallingly and insultingly mocking the Holocaust, from performing a number of his stand-up shows...


Dispatches: Dutch Government Should Not Attend Sochi Opening Ceremony

While Russia is silencing gay people in spite of its promise to adhere to the Olympic Charter, it will be a bad signal if the Dutch are represented at the highest level during the opening ceremony...


Dispatches: UK Awards Torture with a Royal Visit

Prince Andrew will arrive in a country whose rulers appear to believe that it is possible to arrest and torture their way to stability and security...



Dispatches: Too Little but Not Yet Too Late for Sochi's Workers

For researchers like me who have spent years documenting the exploitation of migrant workers constructing Sochi Olympic venues, last week’s announcement that some workers would be paid millions in unpaid wages came as a stunning surprise – and with mixed feelings...


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