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A win in the fight to end child marriage in Yemen, electric shock therapy without consent in India, and international law versus the death penalty in Texas  - these were among the most popular posts to Dispatches, our daily forum for breaking human rights news and commentary. You can find all our Dispatches here.


Dispatches: Ending Child Marriage in Yemen

Until now, Yemen has been one of the few countries in the region without any minimum age for marriage...



Dispatches: Stop the Forced Shocks in India

Imagine being dragged against your will to a room where you can hear women screaming. You aren’t told what is happening to you...This is the reality of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), under anesthesia but without consent in India...



Dispatches: Turkish Government Moves Threaten Judicial Independence

When Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan goes to Brussels on Tuesday for the first time in five years, top of the agenda for the European Union will be his latest efforts to control the judiciary and appoint government-friendly prosecutors ready to limit or bury corruption allegations...


Dispatches: Heavy Metal Victory

Pollution from toxic chemicals poses a serious threat to people’s health and the environment, but today, the global fight for environmental health got a boost...



Dispatches: Rick Perry's Texas Goes Own Way on Death Penalty - Yet Again

Maybe – sadly -- Perry shrewdly recognizes that his decision on Tamayo won’t have the same consequences for a Texan who crosses the Rio Grande and commits a serious crime in Mexico. That person’s right to consular assistance wouldn’t be a matter of life or death...


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