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Egypt’s military leader Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who installed himself as interim president after toppling Mohamed Morsy, is expected to run for the country’s presidency

Last weekend was the 3rd anniversary of the Arab Spring uprisings, and huge crowds took to Egypt’s streets in protest. At least 49 were killed in clashes with security forces, and many more were detained. Thankfully, human rights activist Nazly Hussein was released today on bail. 

Protests and clashes spread through Ukraine, as did disturbing news of police abuses. Protesters even occupied the justice ministry, stepping down only after the minister threatened to invoke a state of emergency. 

In the Central African Republic, Human Rights Watch’s Peter Bouckaert, along with photographer Marcus Bleasdale, are reporting what they find in real time as violence between Muslims and Christians spiral. Today, they're reporting from Bangui. 

Amid the violence, heroes who risked themselves to protect others came to the fore. 

The Syrian peace talks resumed in Geneva today, but ultimately stalled over transferring power to a transitional government. 

Last weekend, China sent social justice activist Xu Zhiyong to jail for four years for his work. Here’s Human Rights Watch's opinion…
A mob vandalized the offices of Côte d’Ivoire’s most prominent LGBT organization. 
Text message data apparently wasn’t enough. The NSA also spied on people using Angry Birds and other leaky cell phone apps. 

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