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Campaigning against mass surveillance; turning up the heat on Uzbekistan; and incarcerating those with mental disabilities - these were among the most popular posts to Dispatches, our daily forum for breaking human rights news and commentary. You can find all our Dispatches here.

Dispatches: Say No Today to Mass Surveillance

Cynthia M. Wong
Last summer, the world learned how the Internet has been transformed into a tool of mass, indiscriminate surveillance...

Dispatches: Pressure Keeps Karimov Away

Andrew Stroehlein and Steve Swerdlow
We've just heard that Uzbek President Islam Karimov has "postponed" his visit to Prague...

Dispatches: US Prisoners With Mental Disabilities - A Longstanding Tragedy

Jamie Fellner
Two powerful recent articles (here and here) look at how US prisons and jails operate as de facto mental health facilities, albeit woefully deficient ones...

Dispatches: A Congo Warlord Face Justice

Géraldine Mattioli-Zeltner
“I am Bosco Ntaganda. I was born on November 5, 1973 in Rwanda and used to be a military commander before arriving here.” These words had a special ring this morning...

Dispatches: Moscow - The Subway Begins With The Stairs

Maria Kunineva
I entered the bustling Moscow Metropolitan subway system for a meeting with representatives from the Moscow City Department of Transport and the Moscow City Department for Social Protection. Our metro visit was unusual, in that it only involved traveling down the steps leading to the subway platform. But the journey was nevertheless eventful as it lasted nearly an hour.


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