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The mining tragedy that claimed nearly 300 lives so far in Soma, Turkey, has led to public devastation at the loss and fury at the government response, which includes an aide to the prime minister kicking a demonstrator. Photos of the incident have already become iconic symbols of the country's growing authoritarian drift.

After cracking down on media outlets and independent groups relentlessly in recent months, Russia may now have set its eye on silencing Twitter as well. While world attention has understandably focused on the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, the Kremlin’s vicious campaign at home has escalated largely unnoticed, and the space for independent civic activity is shrinking dramatically.

A judge in Khartoum, Sudan, has sentenced a pregnant 27 year old, Mariam Yahya Ibrahim, to death for the crime of “apostasy,” and to 100 lashings for “adultery.” These convictions and harsh sentences fly in the face of Sudanese and international law, and point to Sudan’s continuing discrimination against religious minorities and women’s rights.
More than one hundred civil society groups are urging the UN Security Council to approve a resolution to refer Syria to the International Criminal Court (ICC). In a statement, the coalition of NGOs says that no one on any side in Syria's conflict has been held to account for rights abuses. The proposed resolution would give the ICC jurisdiction over crimes against humanity and war crimes

Amid homophobic rhetoric in and around the continent, African voices of moderation, understanding, and empathy are not being heard. As the world marks the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia on May 17, Human Rights Watch’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights program presents a compilation of affirmative statements from prominent African politicians, academics, authors, religious leaders, and activists.

Hundreds of attacks on health workers have occurred around the world since 2012, Human Rights Watch and the Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition said in a joint report released today.

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