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Human Rights Watch invites you to attend a discussion with

Leta Hong Fincher about her new book,

Leftover Women: The Resurgence of Gender Inequality in China


Monday, July 28, 2014

12:00 - 2:00pm

@ 1630 Connecticut Avenue N.W., Suite 500, Washington DC, 20009


Space is limited

Please RSVP by July 25

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“Leftover Women” lays out the structural discrimination against women and speaks to broader problems with China's economy, politics, and development.

“A century ago, Chinese feminists fighting for the emancipation of women helped spark the Republican Revolution, which overthrew the Qing empire. After China's Communist revolution of 1949, Chairman Mao famously proclaimed that ‘women hold up half the sky.’ In the early years of the People's Republic, the Communist Party sought to transform gender relations with expansive initiatives such as assigning urban women jobs in the planned economy. Yet those gains are now being eroded in China's post-socialist era. Contrary to many claims made in the mainstream media, women in China have experienced a dramatic rollback of many rights and gains relative to men.”

Leta Hong Fincher is an award-winning journalist who has published in a number of magazines and newspapers, including the New York Times. She has just completed her Ph.D. in sociology at Tsinghua University, Beijing.


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