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Ethiopia's crisis takes another worrying turn; gun violence in the US; India's archaic LGBT law - these were among the most popular posts to Dispatches, our daily forum for breaking human rights news and commentary.

Dispatches: Arrest of Respected Politician Escalating Crisis in Ethiopia

Felix Horne
Over the past eight weeks, Ethiopia’s largest region, Oromia, has been hit by a wave of mass protests over the expansion of the municipal boundary of the capital, Addis Ababa. Security forces have killed at least 140 protesters and injured many more. Now, the crisis has taken another worrying turn...

Dispatches: Congress Should Act on Gun Violence

Antonio Ginatta
The steps announced this week by United States President Barack Obama to reduce gun violence are a welcome and necessary departure from years of inaction...

Dispatches: Tackling India's Archaic LGBT Law

Meenakshi Ganguly
A 15-year-old boy’s suicide attempt is the latest, tragic reminder that much work needs to be done in India to change public attitudes and reduce hysteria over so-called traditional values...

Dispatches: New Twist in a Flawed US Asylum System

Clara Long
Twelve Central American mothers and children among the 121 detained over the weekend in immigration raids received emergency holds on their deportation Tuesday...

Dispatches: The Crime of Speaking Up in Russia

Tonya Lokshina
A left-wing political activist has been convicted of inciting separatism and extremist activities, the latest in a series of criminal prosecutions in Russia against people who dare speak their minds online...

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