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Ending Female Genital Mutilation; unrealistic strategies for women against the Zika virus; and the African Union's ICC bolstering - these were among the most popular posts to Dispatches, our daily forum for breaking human rights news and commentary.

Dispatches: End the Abuse of Female Genital Mutilation 

Alexandra Kotowski
When Pion was 10 years old, her grandmother said it was time for her to get married and become a “real” woman. Pion was terrified; she knew what that meant...

Dispatches: Zika Warnings Versus Realities Women Face

Amanda Klasing
The rapid spread of the Zika virus has raised concern among public health officials across the Americas. Calling on women to delay their pregnancy might be prudent. But many women and girls in the region don’t have control over when they get pregnant...

Dispatches: On Africa and the ICC, Don't Buy All the Hype

Elise Keppler
As the African Union summit closed on January 31, 2016, Kenyan media ignited with reports that the African Union endorsed mass withdrawal of African countries from the International Criminal Court...

Dispatches: Protect Lives, Not Just Territory, Against Attacks

Mausi Segun
In December 2015, Nigeria’s government announced a “technical defeat” of extremist group Boko Haram. But for the people of Dalori, a “technical defeat” meant nothing when Boko Haram firebombed their town on January 30, 2016...

Dispatches: Achieving Pain Relief for Millions

Diederik Lohman
In April, the United Nations General Assembly will review the international response to drugs for the first time in 18 years...

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