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Confronting "honor" killings in Pakistan; Indonesia's LGBT onslaught; and transgender rights in peril in South Dakota - these were among the most popular posts to Dispatches, our daily forum for breaking human rights news and commentary.

Dispatches: No 'Honor' in Murder in Pakistan

Heather Barr
They planned to shoot [her] in the head, put her body in a bag, and dump it in the river...Her attackers? Her father and her uncle, who sought revenge on Saba after she married without their permission...

Dispatches: Indonesia Censors LGBT Radio and TV

Kyle Knight
The Indonesian government’s rhetorical onslaught on LGBT people continued last week with the national broadcasting commission (KPI) banning TV and radio programs that portray LGBT lives as “normal.” But if censorship isn’t bad enough, here’s the reason they claim they’re doing it: to protect children...

Dispatches: South Dakota Nears Dangerous Precedent

Ryan Thoreson
South Dakota has moved one step closer to becoming the first US state to bar transgender youth from the bathrooms where they are safe and comfortable...

Dispatches: What Bulgaria's "Respect" for Human Rights Really Looks Like

Lydia Gall
Bulgaria bears a “big responsibility” for protecting the European Union’s external borders and should do so “in full respect” of migrants’ human rights...

Dispatches: Playing Politics With Torture in the US

Laura Pitter
Several of the United States presidential candidates have made statements endorsing the use of so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques”...

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