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Democratic Republic of Congo at a Precipice
The decisions President Kabila and his government will make in the coming weeks can make all the difference for Congo’s future..."
Philippines Committee Chair Ousted for Death Squad Inquiry
“The Senate is imperiling the Philippine public by covering up allegations of state-sanctioned murder rather than exposing them..."
Hungary is Failing to Protect Vulnerable Refugees
“It is particularly cruel to force vulnerable asylum seekers who are already inside Hungary back to the Serbian border to line up for weeks in awful conditions..."
Investigate Attack on UN Aid Convoy in Syria
We arrived the next morning and they began to pull people out. It was unimaginable. Remains were scattered everywhere. Buildings, vehicles, everything was charred..."
Louis Cole’s Merry North Korea Adventure
Evidently Cole thought his motto of “peace out, enjoy life and live the adventure,” combined with the outlandish goal to promote surfing for North Koreans, would be so much adventure that no one noticed he was completely ignoring the dire reality of life for most persons living under a government whose egregious human rights abuses have been described by the U.N. as “without parallel in the contemporary world..."

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Editor's Picks from Around the World

Asia Pakistan’s Rights Body Urges Transgender Attack Inquiry
This is an important message of support for this marginalized minority... United States Don’t Label Accused New York Bomber ‘Enemy Combatant’
The US public is rightly alarmed by this latest attack. But the answer does not lie in rejecting US rules that have roots in centuries of lessons and precedent... Europe/Central Asia Greece Refugee Camp Destroyed By Fire
it’s painfully clear that warehousing asylum seekers in Greece, in an increasingly volatile situation, not only compounds human misery but is dangerous, too...

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