
Sexual Violence against Women and Girls in Sudan’s Capital

The 88-page report, ““Khartoum is Not Safe for Women”: Sexual Violence against Women and Girls in Sudan’s Capital,” documents widespread sexual violence, as well as forced and child marriage during the conflict, in Khartoum and its sister cities. Service providers treating and supporting victims also heard reports from women and girls of being held by the RSF in conditions that could amount to sexual slavery. The research also highlights the devastating health and mental health consequences for survivors and the destructive impact of warring parties’ attacks on health care and the Sudanese Armed Forces’ (SAF) willful blocking of aid.

Two unidentifiable women walk down a city street


  • February 28, 2005

    “Disappearances” by Security Forces in Nepal

    This report documents more than 200 enforced disappearances perpetrated by the Nepali army and police and analyzes the factors responsible for the crisis.
  • February 21, 2005

    This 48-page report documents how, in the weeks and months after the bombing that killed 30 people in the resort town of Taba, the State Security Investigation agency conducted mass arrests in northern Sinai without a warrant or judicial order as required by Egyptian law.
  • February 16, 2005

    Al-Majid earned the sobriquet “Chemical Ali” because of his role in the genocidal Anfal campaign between February and August 1988, and his use of chemical weapons against Kurdish villagers in northern Iraq beginning in April 1987.
  • February 4, 2005

    Guns, Oil and Power in Nigeria’s Rivers State

    On September 27, 2004, the leader of a powerful armed group threatened to launch an “all-out war” in the Niger Delta - sending shock waves through the oil industry – unless the federal government ceded greater control of the region’s vast oil resources to the Ijaw people, the majority tribe in the Niger Delta.
  • February 1, 2005

    US: Life Without Parole Sentences for Children in Colorado

    Across Colorado, residents are beginning to question whether children who commit a crime before the age of eighteen should ever be sentenced to life without parole. Historically, this harshest of prison sentences was restricted to adults.
  • January 26, 2005

    Counter-Terrorism Measures in Spain

    This 65-page report analyzes aspects of Spain’s criminal law and procedures that fall short of its commitments under international human rights law. Problematic practices include the use of incommunicado detention and secret legal proceedings, limitations on the right to a lawyer during the initial period of detention, and lengthy periods of pre-trial detention.
  • January 25, 2005

    Workers’ Rights in U.S. Meat and Poultry Plants

    Workers in American beef, pork, and poultry slaughtering and processing plants perform dangerous jobs in difficult conditions.
  • January 24, 2005

    Workers’ Rights in U.S. Meat and Poultry Plants

    Workers in the U.S. meat and poultry industry endure unnecessarily hazardous work conditions, and the companies employing them often use illegal tactics to crush union organizing efforts. In meat and poultry plants across the United States, Human Rights Watch found that many workers face a real danger of losing a limb, or even their lives, in unsafe work conditions.

  • January 24, 2005

    Torture and ill-treatment of detainees in Iraqi custody

    This 94-page report documents how unlawful arrest, long-term incommunicado detention, torture and other ill-treatment of detainees (including children) by Iraqi authorities have become routine and commonplace. Human Rights Watch conducted interviews in Iraq with 90 detainees, 72 of whom alleged having been tortured or ill-treated, particularly under interrogation.
  • January 21, 2005

    Since February 2003, Darfur has been the scene of massive crimes against civilians of particular ethnicities in the context of an internal conflict between the Sudanese government and a rebel insurgency. Almost two million people have been forcibly displaced and stripped of all their property and tens of thousands of people have been killed, raped or assaulted.
  • January 18, 2005

    Two years after the start of negotiations for the demobilization of paramilitary groups, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe plans to present a draft law to govern demobilization at an international donors’ conference in Cartagena, Colombia, on February 3-4, 2005.
  • January 7, 2005

    Cambodia Slams the Door on New Asylum Seekers

    This briefing paper describes new and disturbing information about recent large-scale arrests of Montagnard Christians living in Vietnam’s Central Highlands and the torture of Montagnard activists, house church leaders, and others, including individuals who have been deported or have voluntarily returned from Cambodia
  • December 29, 2004

    Rwandan armed groups, like many other armed groups in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), kill, rape, and otherwise injure civilians and often loot or extort their property. Under the terms of the Lusaka Accords and the Pretoria Agreement ending four years of war in the Congo, the Congolese government agreed to disarm these groups, but has failed to do so.
  • December 15, 2004

    Human Rights Watch’s key concerns on Turkey for 2005

    At its December 16-17 summit in Brussels, the European Council is expected to decide whether or not to open negotiations for Turkey’s full membership of the European Union. The decision follows the October 2004 evaluation by the European Commission that “Turkey sufficiently fulfils the political criteria” and its recommendation that accession negotiations be opened.
  • December 6, 2004

    Juvenile Detention in the State of Rio de Janeiro

    The 70-page report documents that youths in Rio de Janeiro’s detention centers are often beaten and verbally abused by guards. Most complaints of ill-treatment are never investigated by the state’s Department of Socio-Economic Action (Departamento Geral de Ações Sócio-Educativas, or DEGASE), the authority responsible for juvenile detention facilities.